Quest: The Quiet Wasted Gardener Pt. 3

This is the walkthrough for the quest – The Quiet Wasted Gardener Pt. 3:

You need Bonnie free as she starts the quest!

What you need to do:

Help Bonnie Host Ladies’ Night (EARNS: $100, XP65, DURATION: 12 hours)

Find a New Friend with Chris (EARNS: $5, XP3, DURATION: 1 minute)


What you earn when completed:

$150 and XP100

2 thoughts on “Quest: The Quiet Wasted Gardener Pt. 3”

  1. Hi there!
    Im pretty far in the game but i still have “The quiet and wasted gardener” (pt 3) to do. When I want Chris to make a new friend it says that I need the stewie flower. So i went and got it but it still says I need it! Any ideas how to fix it? Im playing on my iphone if that makes any difference.
    Thank you!


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