Tasks: The new 1 minute tasks

Following the update on 16/04/2014, and the addition to 1 minute tasks for Peter, Chris, Quagmire, Mort, Bruce, Bonnie and Lois, I thought I would give you a list of all the tasks that were changed to a 1 minute duration:

Peter: Surf the Bird

Chris: Find a New Friend

Quagmire: Raid Panties

Mort: Feeble Flails

Bruce: Search for a Job

Bonnie: Bonnie’s Bake Sale

Lois: Get an Adrenaline Rush


Each task now earns $5 and XP3. The previous tasks posts I have written will be updated soon with the new duration and earnings.

If you are an avid tapper, and have half an hour, or even an hour to spare, and you really need money for a quest or a building, you could earn quite a lot from these 7 characters new 1 minute tasks:

In half an hour: $1050 XP 630

In an hour: $2100 XP 1260


How do you feel about the change in the time it takes for these tasks? Were you one of the people that TinyCo listened too?




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