SPOILERS: New characters soon!

I may have a little spoiler about potential new characters and a new feature that may be added soon.

It looks like we may be able to unlock 3 new characters in future updates.

The characters include:


Evil Monkey





In the files, there are some tasks for Death:


Play Golf

Duration: 30 minutes

$: 6

XP: ?


Take the Night Off

Duration: 15 hours

$: 45

XP: ?


Hide From His Mom

Duration: 20 hours

$: 50

XP: ?


How do you feel about the new potential characters? What character would you like to see in the game?



2 thoughts on “SPOILERS: New characters soon!”

  1. Cool! Love the evil monkey. He’s always torturing Chris on the show. Kinda one dimensional though. Also, Death. Surprised he’s coming soon; would expect him in a Halloween update. Hope he’s not a premium character and gets more tasks involving the other characters. Does that mean we’ll get a golf course in the game soon? We may need more land soon although the prices of land keeps going up as it expands. Definitely need multiplier from premium decorations installed in the game for a player to afford these land portions and give incentive for a player to buy the premium decorations. Love the game, however, for the variety of decos and buildings and most of them only cost coins and not clams.


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