McBurgertown Farming!

Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff on Facebook have just announced that we are not going to be allowed to buy and place more than one McBurgertown in our Quahog towns.

Don’t worry if you have bought lots because they have said you can keep them!

I guess this means that if you have more than one, you have an uncommon, rare Quahog now!

10 thoughts on “McBurgertown Farming!”

  1. I don’t house farm myself so it’s no big deal for me. Love the variety of buildings in the game that are unlocked so early, including the different decorations, and most of them are not premium content.


    1. I don’t house farm either, but maybe I should have bought just one extra McBurgertown so I had a ‘rare’ McBurgertown! I like how we have lots of buildings and decorations too 🙂 I wonder what will be next?


      1. Sad I missed out on this too. I’ve been playing since day 1 & farming didn’t even dawn on me until McBurgerTown was already restricted to 1


      2. That is sad :/ do you still farm or do you not have the space anymore? Maybe that is why we aren’t allowed any more land, TinyCo has been scheming against housefarming!


      3. I had put all of my office farm back into storage when I hit about $600k in coins. Now that I’ve spent about $200k on the 4th of July box, I broke some of them back out to recoup some extra cash back.


      4. Maybe 140-ish. Looks like I’ll be breaking most of them out again now with districts 8 and 9 coming online.


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