SPOILER: What Can You Make Stewie Do (when we get a future update!)

I know everybody wants Stewie, and to help all the impatient players out there, why not take a look at what you could make Stewie do when we eventually get an update:

The tasks for Stewie are:


Dance Like Gene Kelly

Duration: 1 hour

$: 20

XP: 12


Host a Tea Party

Duration: 4 hours

$: 50

XP: 30


Do Target Practice

Duration: 8 hours

$: 80

XP: 50


Do a Jaunty Dance (requires Brian Griffin)

Duration: 10 hours

$: 375

XP: 250


Travel Through Time

Duration: 10 hours

$: 90

XP: 59


Fingerpaint Battle Plans

Duration: 12 hours

$: 100

XP: 65


Suspend Time

Duration: 16 hours

$: 115

XP: 75


Watch Jolly Farm Revue

Duration: 20 hours

$: 135

XP: 88


Hypnotize the Audience

Duration: 24 hours

$: 150

XP: 100


These tasks may differ from the released version.


Do you have any ideas about different tasks they should add for Stewie?


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6 thoughts on “SPOILER: What Can You Make Stewie Do (when we get a future update!)”

  1. I think they should have Stewie and Brian do a song and dance together
    And they need Stewie trying to kill Lois


    1. I agree! They should have more joint tasks! Brian and Stewie doing a song and dance would be very funny! I think they should get Stewie to say words like ‘Cool Whip’ and ‘Will Wheaton’! And I want Brian to comfort Meg by saying ‘Ohh, Ohh, there there, don’t do that, it will be fine!’ 🙂


  2. I hope he will be released in the game soon. One task that I would love to see is Stewie being breast fed by Peter. That was hilarious on the show, especially Stewie’s reaction when he realized it was Peter and not Lois that was breast feeding him. I’m sure he’ll have different outfits as well.


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