Troubleshooting: Where have my friends gone?

A few players have reported that all of their friends have disappeared since the update.

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Troubleshooting: Do you still have the Buy One Get One Free task?

I have spoken with TinyCo regarding the Buy One Get One Free quest to find out about why we had a timer:

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Troubleshooting: Buy One Get One Free task is NOT timed anymore!

I am aware how frustrating some of you gamers have been with the Buy One Get One Free task and were pleased to hear that it may have disappeared from your task book when there was a timer, but there is bad news now:

Continue reading Troubleshooting: Buy One Get One Free task is NOT timed anymore!

Troubleshooting: Have you collected more than 40000 coins?

I have had a report from a player that they have completed all their quests and unlocked every costume and character, so they have just been building up their coin bank, but they have been facing the following problem:

Continue reading Troubleshooting: Have you collected more than 40000 coins?

UPDATE: 1.0.10 Adventure Update

TinyCo have just posted notes about the update including New Features, Improvements, Major Fixes and Minor Fixes:
Continue reading UPDATE: 1.0.10 Adventure Update

Troubleshooting: Are your Characters behaving?

I have received some reports regarding payouts from characters.

Continue reading Troubleshooting: Are your Characters behaving?

Troubleshooting: Has your Lawn Tiger disappeared?

I have received a Tweet from a player regarding his Lawn Tiger.

Continue reading Troubleshooting: Has your Lawn Tiger disappeared?

Troubleshooting: Tricia Tapping is FIXED!

In a previous post, we warned you not to tap on Tricia when visiting a friend’s Quahog (just like Pee Pants the Inebriated Hobo Clown)… Continue reading Troubleshooting: Tricia Tapping is FIXED!

UPDATE: Have you noticed?

As you may know, there has been an update! iOS users have a new teasing splashscreen ans icon, but there has been a small change to a certain building:

Continue reading UPDATE: Have you noticed?

IOS Update Downloaded!

Update downloaded for IOS, v 1.0.10! – Woot!

Continue reading IOS Update Downloaded!