District 6: The Civic Centre (Unlocking Brian and Dr. Hartman)

I have created a basic walkthrough for District 6 so you can see what quests will need to be completed, once I have finished the individual, longer versions of each quest, a link will be added.

A Whole Lotta Bull Pt.1 (You need Peter free)

What do you need to do:

  • Enter the Civic Centre (FREE)
  • Clear the Block (COSTS: $7000, DURATION: 12 hours)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


A Whole Lotta Bull Pt. 2 (You need Mort free)

What do you need to do:

  • Mort Can Show Off the Feeble Flail (EARNS: $5 and XP3, DURATION: 1 minute)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


A Whole Lotta Bull Pt. 3 (You need Lois free)

What do you need to do:

  • Make Lois Do the Laundry (EARNS: $90 and XP60, DURATION: 10 hours)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


A Whole Lotta Bull Pt. 4 (You need Meg free)

What do you need to do:

  • Place Four Fences (COSTS: $300 per fence, total = $1200)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


A Whole Lotta Bull Pt. 5 (You need Lois free)

What do you need to do:

  • Build the Library (COSTS: $10000, DURATION: 18 hours)
  • Unlock Brian

To unlock Brian, you need to collect (click here if you want to know the chance of each item):


  • 14 x First Editions

There are 4 different ways to find First Editions, these include:

  1. Make Mort Do Peter’s Taxes
  2. Make Herbert Read to Children
  3. Make Buzz Killington Read a Book (PREMIUM)
  4. Get from Quahog Public Library


  • 14 x Martinis

There are 3 different ways to find Martinis, these include:

  1. Make Quagmire Mix Drinks
  2. Get  from The Drunken Clam
  3. Get from The Founding Father


  • 14 x Bones

There are 4 different ways to find Bones, these include:

  1. Get by Clearing Bull
  2. Make Lois Practice Tai-Jitsu
  3. Make Brain Damaged Horse Lick Sugar Cubes off Peter’s Butt
  4. Make Dr. Hartman Practice Surgery

You also need to Place 1 x Le Croissant Degoutant (COSTS: $3000, DURATION: 12 hours)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


A Whole Lotta Bull Pt. 6 (You need Brian free)

What do you need to do:

  • Clear the Bulls (x8)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200

The Service Dog Pt. 1 (You need Brian free)

What do you need to do:

  • Chris Walks Brian (EARNS: $50 and XP30, DURATION: 1 hour)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


The Service Dog Pt. 2 (You need Brian free)

What do you need to do:

  • Watch Lois Shower (EARNS: $30 and XP20, DURATION: 2 hours)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


The Service Dog Pt. 3 (You need Brian free)

What do you need to do:

  • Sneak a Drink (EARNS: $50 and XP30, DURATION: 4 hours)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


The Service Dog Pt. 4 (You need Brian free)

What do you need to do:

  • Brian Needs a Pick-me-up (EARNS: $65 and XP45, DURATION: 6 hours)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


The Service Dog Pt. 5 (You need Brian free)

What do you need to do:

  • Brian Wants to Write (EARNS: $150 and XP100, DURATION: 24 hours)


  • $: 450
  • XP: 200


Is There a Doctor in the Game? Pt. 1 (You need Peter free)

What do you need to do:

  • Build the Hospital (COSTS: $5000, DURATION: 8 hours)
  • Unlock Dr. Hartman

To unlock Dr. Hartman, you need to collect (click here if you want to know the chance of each item):


  • 8 x Vicogin

There are 3 different ways to find Vicogin, these include:

  1. Make Peter Break Things Badly
  2. Make Mort Retreat Cowardly
  3. Get from Goldman’s Pharmacy


  • 8 x Pair of Gloves

There are 3 different ways to find Pair of Gloves, these include:

  1. Make Bonnie Twerk It
  2. Make Peter Cook Disgusting Vegetables
  3. Get from Quahog Hospital


  • 8 x Tattoo Ink

There are 4 different ways to find Tattoo Ink, these include:

  1. Make Brian Brag About His Writing
  2. Make Meg Flirt with Criminals
  3. Make Jerome Play Ball
  4. Make Brain Damaged Horse Let Loose

You also need to Collect Coins


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


Is There a Doctor in the Game? Pt. 2 (You need Dr. Hartman free)

What do you need to do:

  • Let Dr. Hartman Test Anesthesia (EARNS: $100 and XP65, DURATION: 12 hours)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


Is There a Doctor in the Game? Pt. 3 (You need Dr. Hartman free)

What do you need to do:

  • Dr. Hartman Can Extract a Gerbil (EARNS: $50 and XP30, DURATION: 4 hours)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


Is There a Doctor in the Game? Pt. 4 (You need Dr. Hartman free)

What do you need to do:

  • Have Dr. Hartman Practice Surgery (EARNS: $30 and XP20, DURATION: 2 hours)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


The Curious Choir Boy Pt. 1 (You need Herbert free)

What do you need to do:

  • Herbert is a Peeping Tom (EARNS: $65 and XP45, DURATION: 6 hours)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


The Curious Choir Boy Pt. 2 (You need Herbert free)

What do you need to do:

  • Make Popsicles with Herbert (EARNS: $100 and XP65, DURATION: 12 hours)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


The Curious Choir Boy Pt. 3 (You need Herbert free)

What do you need to do:

  • Herbert Wants to Read to Children (EARNS: $80 and XP50, DURATION: 8 hours)


  • $: 450
  • XP: 300


Groping the Evidence Pt. 1 (You need Quagmire free)

What do you need to do:

  • Have Quagmire Tamper Police Records (EARNS: $150 and XP100, DURATION: 24 hours)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


Groping the Evidence Pt. 2 (You need Quagmire free *and Joe*)

What do you need to do:

  • Play Mace Tag with Quagmire *joint task with Joe* (EARNS: $225 and XP150, DURATION: 10 hours)


  • $: 450
  • XP: 300


Hello, Joe Pt. 1 (You need Joe free *and need to unlock Cop Joe costume*)

What do you need to do:

  • Help Joe Investigate Prank Calls (EARNS: $100 and XP65, DURATION: 12 hours)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


Hello, Joe Pt. 2 (You need Joe free)

What do you need to do:

  • Joe Needs to Do Target Practice (EARNS: $80 and XP50, DURATION: 8 hours)


  • $: 300
  • XP: 200


Hello, Joe Pt. 3 (You need Joe free)

What do you need to do:

  • Joe Attends Rage Support Group (EARNS: $150 and XP100, DURATION: 24 hours)


  • $: 450
  • XP: 300


Now you need to play a waiting game and just earn lots of $ for a future update!


district 6


8 thoughts on “District 6: The Civic Centre (Unlocking Brian and Dr. Hartman)”

  1. My “extract gerbil” is still locked, and it isn’t telling me how to unlock it at all. I also got a quest for something that requires quagmires house and yet have had no option or quest to get quagmires house…please help me with this, it’s kind of ridiculous


      1. I’m currently on quagmire’s old lady part 1, and it is saying update dating profile at quagmires house which i do not have, and my dr hartman is at level 9 currently.


      2. The quest that quagmire is on currently is my old lady part 1 or something like that, which requires his house, which somehow got missed. And dr hartman is at level 9 and it isn’t showing any requirements to get the extract gerbil, it’s just saying it’s locked.


  2. My extract gerbil is locked for dr Hartman and it isn’t telling me what the heck I have to do to unlock the dang thing. Help! And how do you get quagmires house? I got a quest to have quagmire do something that requires his house but I can’t even get his house still…


  3. A fun heads up on the “getting the bone” for Brian item. One of the tasks is to clear bulls…but you can’t do that without Brian! I sent a comment in about this and maybe it’s a coincidence, but that task was removed from the list a few hours later.


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