Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff Review by The Good Kind of Geek

It’s not nice to compare, but then…

I’m a big fan of The Simpsons: Tapped Out.  The game features classic Simpsons characters, the humors and the familiar setting of the town of Springfield.  However, this is not the review for the Simpsons game, but the review for the clone: Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff.  I still remember when I first play the Simpsons game, I was hoping there will be a similar one for Family Guy.  Be careful what you wish for, they always said.

Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff begins with the repetitive fights between Peter and the Giant Chicken.  The fight destroys the town, and now you have to rebuild it.  The characters and tasks available at first are limited, and throughout gameplay more and more will be unlocked.  It’s a pretty straightforward gameplay that most town building games practice.

What makes The Quest for Stuff different from other is that the characters level up too.  Other than earning incomes for the players, leveling up characters will allow them to perform new tasks.  At first I found the differences interesting, but was quickly annoyed by it.  Especially when the game requires characters to do a certain task, and it’s not available yet until a later level.  It means the gameplay is held until you reach that level.  It can be quite annoying, as you can tell the game makers want you to play the game for as long as possible.

This is not the only thing that slows down the gameplay.  When unlocking new characters, you have to buy buildings associated with them first, and then wait for the construction to finish.  Once that’s completed, you also have to do additional tasks for the character before they’re unlocked.  It will take ages before a character becomes playable.  What’s worse is that most character unlock processes require you to collect items, and these items don’t always appear accordingly.  I don’t know why I want to play the game anymore after this.

I know it’s not right to compare one guy to another, but it’s like Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff begs for it.  The reason The Simpsons game is such a success is because we get to quickly see our favorite town grows before us.  We don’t get to do the same for the Family Guy game, and if anything, it’s quite a mess before us too.  The slow gameplay hinders my interest, and I don’t feel like putting in the same effort I have for the Simpsons game.

However, it doesn’t mean the game is not good in its own way.  The FaceSpace is a great addition to the game, and it lets you quickly access the levels of the characters and some great additional jokes.  I also enjoy the different costumes that come with some characters, and it allows you to do new tasks for those characters.  Even though unlocking the costumes is another long process that makes my head hurt.

The game also tires very hard to be funny, and some of the jokes can be really racy.  While I’m not the type to be offended with racy jokes, you can tell the game tries way too hard.  It wants to separate itself from the Simpsons game, but it just ends up being silly at the end.

Overall, Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff is a game that has a lot of potential.  However, the slow gameplay and being the insufficient clone of another game can be quite a disappointment.  Hopefully the studio can pick up their mistakes, and update the game soon.


Check Out my site The Good Kind of Geek for news and reviews on comics, games, movies, TV shows and more.

3 thoughts on “Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff Review by The Good Kind of Geek”

  1. How on Earth is it a clone of TSTO?? Its a totally different game with different aims and objectives. They are both town building games, both originate from cartoons commissioned by FOX. Thats where the similarities end!! Conversely, there are so many differences between the games to make TQFS an original game in its own right. If you look at it that way instead of comparing both games alongside each other, as the majority of people invariably do, you may just enjoy it more!!


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