UPDATED: District 7 is now available – Who is up for a Chinese? (COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH)

For anyone who doesn’t already know, or anyone who isn’t quite that far yet – District 7 is now available to unlock!

If you have read the spoiler posts, you will already know that District 7 is the Asiantown!

You will only be able to unlock District 7 once you have unlocked Brian and Cleared the Bulls in District 6!

You need Lois to be free to unlock District 7:

We still can’t unlock Stewie, as this is believed to be available when we receive District 8, but we will get to unlock Connie and Tricia! (You will need to clear the block where Tricia is, which takes 2 days and 4 hours, so if you bought any extra undocumented workers during the sale – you should start it as soon as possible!)

One Hot Momma Pt. 1: (Lois needs to be free)
The first thing you will be asked to do, is to build We Heal You Long Time,  where you will find Connie. You will need $6000 to buy the building and will have to wait 12 hours for the building to finish.

Once the building has finished, you will need to Help Connie Get Stuff:

You need 10 Toads (which are uncommon) and can be found by:

Make Joe Patrol the School
Make Mort Retreat Cowardly
Make Quagmire Giggity Strut
Get from James Woods High

You need 10 Hairsprays (which are uncommon) and can be found by:

Make Joe Play Mace Tag
Make Lois Freshen Up
Get from Quahog Day Spa

10 Lipsticks (which are rare) and can be found by:

Make Hooker Peter Find a Job
Make Consuela Clean the Town
Make Lois Freshen Up
Make Bonnie Go to Ladies’ Night
Make Chris Enjoy Private Time
Get from Quahog Day Spa

10 Jewels (which are rare) and can be found by:

Make Long John Peter Pillage & Plunder
Make Mort Swallow Jewels
Make Jerome Grow His Fro
Make Quagmire Let the Gerbil Loose
Make Bonnie Twerk It
Get from Family Jewels

Once you have collected all the items, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

One Hot Momma Pt. 2: (Lois needs to be free)
You will be asked to Build the Awful Person Hattery, which will cost you $5000  and will take 14 hours to build.

Once the building has finished, you are rewarded with $500  amd XP 350.

One Hot Momma Pt. 3: (Lois needs to be free)
You will be asked to Create Midlife Crisis Lois by collecting:

15 Exotic Extract (which are uncommon) and can be found by:

Make Quagmire Giggity Strut
Get from Quagmire’s House (the easiest way to collect all of the Exotic Extract items and quicker!)
Make Peter Super Jumper Man Jump
Make Tricia Have a Nervous Breakdown

15 Exorbitant Hat (which are rare) and can be found by:

Make Lois Do the Laundry
Make Connie Stay Beautiful
Get from Awful Person Hattery

15 Tattoo Inks (which are uncommon) and can be found by:

Make Brian Brag About His Writing
Make Meg Flirt with Criminals
Make Jerome Play Ball
Make Brain Damaged Horse Let Loose

15 Glasses of Wine (which are uncommon) and can be found by:

Make Pee Pants Circus Jump
Make Bruce Make Bathtub Gin
Make Jerome Grow His Fro
Get from The Founding Father

One Hot Momma Pt. 4: (Midlife Crisis Lois needs to be free)
You will be asked to Make Lois Skank It Up, which will take 4 hours to complete.

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

One Hot Momma Pt. 5: (Midlife Crisis Lois needs to be free)
You will be asked to Make Lois Cool Down, which will take 12 hours to complete.

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

The Blonde and the Beautiful Pt. 1: (Connie needs to be free)
You will be asked to Make Connie Bask in Popularity, which will take 4 hours to complete.

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

The Blonde and the Beautiful Pt. 2: (Connie needs to be free)
You will be asked to Make Connie Always Stay Beautiful, which will take 8 hours to complete.

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

The Blonde and the Beautiful Pt. 3: (Connie needs to be free)
You will be asked to Make Connie Steal Meg’s Diary, which will take 12 hours to complete.

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

The Blonde and the Beautiful Pt. 4: (Meg needs to be free)
You will be asked to Make Meg Grovel at Connie’s Feet, which will take 24 hours to complete.

Once completed, you are rewarded with $150 and XP 100.

The Taming of the Zit Pt. 1: (Meg needs to be free)
You will be asked to Make Meg Pop Her Zit, which will take 12 hours to complete.

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

The Taming of the Zit Pt. 2: (Meg needs to be free)
You will be asked to Make Meg Buy Acne Cream, which will take 14 hours to complete.

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

The USS Gossip: (Seamus needs to be free)
You will be asked to Make Seamus Emerge from the Shadows, which will take 8 hours to complete, and you are also asked to Make Long John Peter Drink at the Clam, which takes 24 hours to complete.

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

Takei Love Pt. 1: (Peter needs to be free)
You will be asked to Make Peter Write on George Takei’s FaceSpace which will take 14 hours to complete.

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

Takei Love Pt. 2: (Peter needs to be free)
You will be asked to Place the Gay Pride Float, which costs $1575.

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

Takei Love Pt. 3: (Peter needs to be free)
You will be asked to Make Peter Dance the Shipoopi, which will take 8 hours to complete.

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

Big Trouble in Little Quahog Pt. 1: (Peter needs to be free)
You will be asked to Clear the Block, which will take 14 hours and $7000 to complete (if you pick the quickest and cheapest block!)

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

During this quest, you will be required to Create Anime Peter by collecting:

8 Hey Cat Keychains (which are uncommon) and can be found by:

Make Mort Scrounge for Coins
Get from PF Chinese

3 Eyeballs (which are epic) and can be found by:

Make Dr Hartman Prepare for an Exam
Make Peter Have Eye-Ripping Fun

8 Sparkles (which are common) and can be found by:

Make Quagmire Do a Special Dance
Make Bruce Be a Good Listener
Make Chris Fat Kid Hula Hoop
Make Connie Bask in Popularity
Make Tricia Report On-Scene

3 Headbands (which are extra rare) and can be found by:

Make Lois Practice Tai-Jitsu
Get from Video Arcade

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Asian Pt. 1: (Lois needs to be free)
You are asked to Place the Hey Cat Statue, which costs $1000

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Asian Pt. 2: (Meg needs to be free)
You are asked to Place a Koi Pond, which costs $2000

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Asian Pt. 3: (Peter needs to be free)
You are asked to Repair PF Chinese, which will cost $7500 and will take 16 hours to completed.

You will also be asked to Fight Tricia (which you need to complete certain tasks to unlock Tricia):

You will need to Pop 1 Zit:

Make Meg Pop a Zit (which takes 12 hours)

You will need to Guerilla Warfare:

Make Rambo Lois Do Guerilla Warfare (which takes 1 hour)

You will need to Roadhouse:

Make Peter do Roadhouse (which takes 12 hours)

You will need to Super Ultra Mega Fire:

Make Anime Peter Do Super Ultra Mega Fire (which takes 4 hours)

Once completed, you will be rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Asian Pt. 4: (Tricia needs to be free)
You will be asked to Make Tricia Report On Scene which will take 4 hours to complete.

Once completed, you are rewarded with $500 and XP 350.

That is the end of District 7, and you have two new characters, two new costumes, three new decorations and two new buildings (from the quests).

Hope you enjoyed District 7, if you have already finished it – but I can see it will take quite a few days of collecting items for characters and costumes!

Are you excited that we are going to be unlocking Stewie when ee get our next District? Are you pleased Tricia and Connie are in the game now? What do you think of the new costumes and decorations?

19 thoughts on “UPDATED: District 7 is now available – Who is up for a Chinese? (COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH)”

  1. Hi all! I recently started playing the game and am in the process of unlocking connie in asiantown. Right now, i have a quest for Peter to write on george takei’s wall, but when I click to try it, this action is not listed for Peter to do. Am I missing something?


      1. He’s not a character I can buy. I tried searching a little and he was part of a comicon thing from february? But i didnt play then so if it’s a character I can’t buy it shouldn’t be a quest, right?


      2. You’d think so lol, I’m not sure why the quest isn’t coming up, have you searched through all his costumes to see if it’s in a different costume?



  2. We’ve been trying to unlock Anime Peter for 2 months and he still won’t unlock!!
    It shows 1/3 of thr stips cleared but we’ve had Dr. Hartman and Eye Popping Peter do their thing over a dozen times snd it stilk doesn’t clear to 3/3 to unlock. I’ve messaged the CUSTOMER SERVICE on the game itself a couple dozen times with NO REPLY BACK!!! It’s very frustrating as you need Anime Peter to proceed in the game!!!! DON’T DOWNLOAD OR PLAY IT UNLESS THEY FIX THIS OT YOU’LL WAIST 40 HOURS OF PLAY TIME ONLY TO BE STUCK WITH NO HELP OR FIX!!!!!!!!


  3. I’m finally to asiantown! I have the quest to place a koi pond but I already had one. In previous quests if the item was already placed it would be accepted and the quest would continue. But my pond was not recognized. I like the pond but don’t feel I need 2 of them. I asked tinyco about it but they weren’t very helpful but I understand they are busy. Has anyone else had a similar problem?


  4. I am still working on the Anime Peter costume to unlock Tricia in District 7 and today there was an additional quest: Big Trouble in Little Quohog Pt. 2 to rebuild the Asiantown Video Arcade


      1. I didn’t see that quest listed in your walkthrough for District 7 or for the Anime Peter costume. I didn’t know if it was recently added to the game or just not included in the walkthrough for some reason.


      2. I just checked the walkthrough and the quest is there and how to unlock Anime Peter 🙂 there is also a separate post on how to unlock Anime Peter 🙂


      3. It was also strange that I have been collecting for the Anime Peter costume for over a week and the new task just showed up yesterday.


  5. Can someone pls tell me how u can have 2 of the same building? I read some where on here you could build 2 of the same building at the same time. I am trying to build 2 arcades so I can complete mid life crisis lois


  6. I built the Heal You Long time building and then started building Hattery. I ended up with a duplicate Heal You Long time when I tapped the building thinking it was the hattery and it errors out. Luckily I play it on my iPhone, too, and the second building is just sitting there. Did this happen to you? I sent a message through the app. Do they respond to those messages?

    Thanks for the great blog.


    1. I was reading about this on the forum, players have been able to buy lots of the same buildings but only if they buy it before the first building has completed! It is a good technique for buying buildings that drop chance items as you would have more chance in collecting the items. TinyCo do prefer ingame contact and they do reply 🙂 you can also try messaging them via facebook or twitter as they respond quickly 🙂 thank you, I am glad you are enjoying the blog!


      1. Thanks so much. Hopefully I can just avoid the bug until I finish unlocking Connie. But it’s a great tip about duplicate buildings. Even your reply was helpful. It was also very helpful to know I need to have $7500 to repair PF Chinese because the block hasn’t finished clearing but the task is there waiting.

        Thanks again!


      2. You are very welcome! I am very pleased to hear you are finding the info on here helpful! If you have any other problems or questions, do not hesitate to contact me 🙂


      3. They fixed it today for me and I thiink it applies to everyone. I got $6,000 back and when I tapped the building it became and Classy Office building. Still trying to figure out how to arrange my AsianTown now that I can freely arrange everything but glad I am not worried about tapping on things anymore. Can’t wait for thee next quest since I have finished the everything.


    2. They do respond. I had an issue where the timer in my game stopped working for a day and I contacted them through the in game form and heard back in a few hours. It happened a second time and I received another fast reply. They credited me some clams to compensate me coz they could see my timer wasn’t running. So I was pleased with that resolution.


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