Tip: How to build more than one of the same building

If you would like to have more than one of each of the buildings, earn more $ and XP and chance items, read more:

If you haven’t already completed District 7 and bought every building, you may find this quite helpful.

When set a building to build, you are able to purchase more than one of those buildings – but only whilst the first building you set to build, is still building! Once you have completed the build of the first one, you will not be able to build another one of the same building as it disappears from your building menu.

This could be very beneficial when buying more of the buildings that drop chance items, such as, Quahog Day Spa, Arcade (so you have more chance of gaining those HEADBANDS!), Furniture Store and Quahog Fire Station No. 5.

Do not buy multiple buildings that come with a character as your worker won’t be able to finish the second building and will show an error stating you have added character connie twice, resulting in a waste of money and a worker that will be stuck!

10 thoughts on “Tip: How to build more than one of the same building”

  1. After some trial and error on the iPad, I came up with a solution to fix the stuck building glitch:
    Tap the checkbox to place the building–then, IMMEDIATELY tap the friends button to visit Ollieland. You have to make it to Ollieland before the error message pops up.
    Once in Ollieland, have a look around, then tap on the house button to return to your Quahog. The new building should now successfully be placed. I already had Connie unlocked when I figured it out, so YMMV if you haven’t unlocked her yet. Let us know how it goes.


  2. Same as everyone and as my comment on the original Distict 7 post. I messaged TinyCo and they did get back to me but for now I am stuck. Have tried all the suggestions. Luckily I learned to login on another device before trying these things so the progress before these attempts doesn’t have to be redone and it gets me out of the stuck screen when I login in again on the previous device. I am almost certain I did not buy Heal You Long time twice but was trying to buy the hattery and Heal You long time just appeared twice while the hattery was being built. I hope they fix this and credit the money back if I did accidentally buy Heal You Long Time twice. For now I am stuck with a building lot and a check mark I have to carefully avoid and it is pretty bothersome because I really like playing around with the arrangements of buildings and decorations.
    And chance we can find out how and when they will fix this?


      1. Hi Neal, I am still awaiting a reply from TinyCo regarding a fix for the duplicate buildings…. I think uni_soulja is saying that the duplicate building tip has been fixed so we can’t add more than one anymore as the building now disappears from the menu as soon as it is placed.


  3. Yeah lol I purchased connie twice by mistake and now im stuck with an annoying finished check mark that I have to remember not to click….. hope they fix it


    1. This is just an idea, but… have you tried placing your finished building into your inventory and clicking the tick finish box of your remaining building? It might work? I am not sure how it will affect any items already collected for Connie though – but items do carry over – if you have collected more than needed…


      1. Yea I tried that and everything else if u click on it the game goes back to the load screen if you dont click on it everything is fine lol


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