What have you done with… (#1)

I have been moving things around in my Quahog and thought I would share what I have been spending my evening doing with you guys, hopefully you will share what you have done with yours!

This is the first “What have you done with…”

This is a screenshot of what I have done with the Gay Pride Float, Disco Floor, DJ Booth, Razzle Dazzle, Budget Badass, and Fast Fresh:


After I took the screenshot, I noticed how Brian was having a Sneaky Drink behind the Gay Pride Float!

I placed all these items together as they are all quite colourful, and I couldn’t find a better place for them to go.

I would like to know what you have done with these items in your town? If you would like to share, you can either comment below and explain what you have done, or send me a screenshot at http://www.facebook.com/Familyguytips, or via twitter @familyguytipss, or via email familyguytips@yahoo.co.uk. Any I receive will be added to this post!

Join in and discuss FG:TQFS with fellow Quahoggers!