What have you done with… (#3)

I have been moving things around in my Quahog and thought I would share what I have been spending my evening doing with you guys, hopefully you will share what you have done with yours!

This is the third post in the series of “What have you done with…” which is regarding the whole seafront of your Quahog! Here is what I have done:


I have moved the wharf to the middle and further out to sea so it’s like a pier and matched the positioning of Oceanland to make it fit perfectly.

On my make-shift pier, I have added the arcade as I always remember an arcade along the seafront when I was younger!

There is a seaside-y looking cafe by the sea so the people of Quahog can enjoy a nice fish supper in the fresh sea air.

The crab had to be included – did you used to fish for crabs off the pier too?

Finally, the Lighthouse had to be near the sea, not really much thinking required there!

I would like to know what you have done with these items in your town? If you would like to share, you can either comment below and explain what you have done, or send me a screenshot at http://www.facebook.com/Familyguytips, or via twitter @familyguytipss, or via email familyguytips@yahoo.co.uk. Any I receive will be added to this post!

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