Poll Results: Do you think the Eyeballs and Headbands drop rate should increase?

I asked you all just under a month ago, whether you thought the drop rates for Eyeballs and Headbands should increase, allowing the chances to be slightly better. Here are the results:

There was a total of 311 votes.

270 players answered “Hell Yeah! I hardly ever receive a Headband/Eyeball!”

21 players answered “No as I never experienced any problems and have all of the Eyeballs and Headbands!”

20 players answered “I’m not bothered as I enjoy the waiting game and the possibility!”

So, it looks as if the majority of voters would really like the drop rate to increase! But the two other answers have quite similar results, meaning there is a minority that would prefer the drop rate to stay as it is, or they haven’t been affected as they already have the Eyeballs and Headbands.

Do you agree with the majority or the minority?

4 thoughts on “Poll Results: Do you think the Eyeballs and Headbands drop rate should increase?”

  1. I’ve been stuck for almost 2 months now I have 1 out of 3 eyeballs I send dr Hartman 2-3 times a day and peter when he’s not needed for anything else


    1. Some players have reported that when they stick Peter and Dr. Hartman on 1 hour tasks after every 5 of the eye earning tasks, eyes drop out! 🙂 hopefully this tip will help you out!


  2. I’m starting to wonder if I should just quit playing the game for a few days and come back to see if it will give me the eyeballs. I’ve been trying for almost a month and have 0 out of 3 eyeballs.


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