What I won from the Booty Box…

I thought I would share what prizes I won when I gambled my Moon Idols for prizes using the new Booty Box:

These are the prizes I won in order, it would be great to hear what you have won to see which prizes appear more often:







It took me 6 attempts to win the exclusive Anubis Statue, I stopped here after I won this, but I will try again to see how many attempts it takes to win the other exclusive prize – Queen Nefertahtah.

The 6 attempts cost me 24000 Moon Idols, and the total amount my prizes are worth is 125 Clams and $55,870. This is not including the exclusive prize or the 5500 Moon Idols.

I think the value of my prizes compared to how many Moon Idols I spent is pretty good and worth it. What do you think?

Have you tried opening the Booty Box? What have you won? How many times did it take you to win what you wanted?

21 thoughts on “What I won from the Booty Box…”

  1. Got anubis on the first try so I thought I was lucky then I got 2 skate parks, 2 debris gardens, and a boat.


  2. I got wheelchair park, wheelchair park, Lincoln statue, and wheelchair park, decided it was a total waste and gave up. Guess I should try again, I have more idols to burn.


  3. From 10000 idols I won 7000,7000,the Queen twice,anubis,the yacht and 5500 then got the wheelchair skate park pretty cool I guess


  4. 4 wheelchair skateparks, 2 flammable dry bush gardens, 1 small yacht, 1 quagmire plane….not happy after spending 32k booty


  5. 4 wheelchair skateboard parks, 2 yachts, 2 Lincoln Memorials and 5500 moon idols. Sucks. We should be able to sell or trade excess items. All I wanted was the statues. My kid got both statues in 3 tries.


  6. Got queen statue 10 clams, quagmire plane and like 4 gardens :/ was hoping for any number of butt’s at least once


      1. most likely won’t get king butt, only at 50,000. need 600 more to try again so here’s hoping I get the butt’s and just keep pulling them


  7. lets see I got 1x open air debris garden, 1x flammable dry bush garden, 3x quagmire’s plane, 1x 5000 moon idols, 2x wheelchair skate parks, all for the price of 24,000 moon idols


    1. Did you open it 8 times for 24000 Moon Idols? Wow you got 3 of the highest premium items worth 125 Clams each, it’s a shame there isn’t a way of swapping or trying again if you get the same prize.


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