What I won from the Booty Box… Pt. 2

If you saw my previous post, you would have seen my prizes I won from the Booty Box, I thought I would try again:

The first time I gambled my hard earned Moon Idols on the Booty Box, I kept retrying until I won the exclusive Anubis Statue. It took me six attempts, and 24000 Moon Idols!

This time, I was gambling for the other exclusive prize – Queen Nefertahtah. Here are my attempts, in order:



As you can see, it took me two attempts and 8000 Moon Idols! I won the Petercopter again, but is worth 125 Clams so I can’t complain!

I have been receiving comments on part 1 of this post about your experiences, so if you have decided to give it another go or it is your first time – what did you get?

6 thoughts on “What I won from the Booty Box… Pt. 2”

  1. Not in this order but, Nefertatah, 4 large yachts, Quagmire’s plane, 2 skate parks, 5000 idols, 5500 idols, an open air debris garden, and a flammable dry bush garden


  2. Other than getting the Quagmire Plane on my first try, I’ve “whiffed” about 7 other times so far on the Booty Box. No Statues, no moon idols, no clams, no Petercopter. This is the main reason I wish I would have stalled on unlocking King Butt for a few days. I was saving up Jelly-Yo shots for one big run through the bonuses (had about 15 of each). The abrupt Jelly-Yo ending wiped all of them away. #SadFace


    1. I thought I’d try again as well, couldn’t possibly do any worse, right? Wrong! 3 more tries netted me, in order, skateboard park, skateboard park and open debris garden, so now I have netted 6 skateboard parks, 2 Lincolns, 2 yachts, a flammable dry bush garden, 5500 moon idols and an open debris garden. What a joke. Anyone know how to dispose of the excess crap I now have in my inventory? I just want to delete them so I don’t have the constant reminder of the injustice.


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