
***Important Note: If you still want to play the Jelly-Yo game and rack up moon idols for decorations and Booty Boxes, WAIT TO UNLOCK HIM!  The Jelly-Yo game ends immediately when King Butt is unlocked, UNLESS YOU PUT THE GOLD ADVENTURE PETER TROPHY INTO STORAGE (neat glitch-and you don’t lose any shots)***


So, At LONG last, tonight’s update finally has KING BUTT WALKING AROUND AND TAKING SELFIES IN MY TOWN!


Check out the screenshots and a walkthrough of his unlocking below the fold.  WARNING: AWESOME SPOILERS AHEAD!

After waiting on pins and needles the last few days, an update has just hit which allows those of us with over 100,000 trophy idols to officially unlock King Butt and the Gold Peter Statue!  Here’s the unlocking process in pics:


No more question mark here!


First it asks you to place your Gold Peter Statue!  I haven’t quite made a place for it yet, so I just tossed it on the beach. The Golden Peter Statue looks great and also earns $10 and 5 XP every 2 hours!


King Butt’s job list.  Some hilarious tasks on there!


#ButtSelfie #CrotchSelfie


His FaceSpace profile.  The people counter did finally go up to 22/24 at the bottom left of my home screen, however King Butt’s face is still not shown on the main FaceSpace page (probably overlooked by TinyCo).  I accessed the pic below from King Butt’s personal job menu.


Reminder: after you unlock him, the whole Jelly-Yo shot game abruptly ends.  If you’re wanting to crank out some more bonuses (for sarcophagi purchases, etc.) I suggest waiting until later to unlock him.  I however, just couldn’t resist!

Have you unlocked King Butt yet?  Do you think you’ll get him before the event ends?  What are your thoughts on the event as a whole, now that it’s almost over?  Whatever you want to share, we’d love to hear it!


13 thoughts on “#KingButtUnlocked!!!!!”

  1. Why did King Butt go away???…. I won him with 100,000 butts…just before game ended…will he come back???? Kinda bored now just collecting coins no tasks to earn things in my Quahog…any sugguestions???


    1. Have you checked your inventory? Once I unlocked him, he never left my town at all. I’ve been able to put him on jobs since minute-1. Did you click all the ‘Unlock’ type buttons? Were you ever able to put him on jobs before the event ended?


  2. I’ve had Kng Butt unlocked for a couple of days now. Won him through the Jell-O shots tasks. Been a bit disappointed since with the King though. Only had to completed one task with him so far. For the past 36 hours I’ve just had him taking selfies, except when I go to bed, when I set all my charachters to complete 8, 10 or 12 hour tasks to earn the greatest numepber of Moon Idols.


    1. Yeah, it was such an enormous buildup trying to get him that he can’t help but be a little disappointing as a character. I do think it’s crap that his jobs don’t earn Moon Idols. It is a little cool to put your gold Peter statue back into storage, which causes another King Butt to walk around your town as part of the jelly-yo shot game. This allows two King Butts to be in your town at the same time.
      At least you earned him! We’ll set up a poll soon here to see just what percentage of players got him. I think we will see that only maybe around half of all players were able to unlock him.
      Thanks for the comment and keep on tappin!


    1. Thanks Jason! Great advice on a cool feature/glitch. We’ve even made a separate post about it, and I’ve updated this post with the great info.


  3. I have been playing pretty much non-stop on the moon idols but havent spent a single claim and am only on 40k overall. How on earth did you guys amass 100k or did you spend clams?


    1. I took advantage of an early glitch in the game. I earned about 2000 clams, bought every character and when it came to Pyramid event I finally found something useful for Consuela, Jake, Buzz and BDH to do. That sped it up big time.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Spent some clams smartly over the month. I realize that tactic isn’t for everyone. I also already had Buzz, Jake, BDH, and Consuela; plus Chris’ goth costume, Peter’s Mermaid costume, and S&M Lois. They all helped BigTime!


  4. The King is in The building (or in Quahog)! Feels great to have finished the event. I think I need a break from the game. It’s been a really intensed month.


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