Tell TinyCo What’s On Your Mind!

Fellow Tappers Unite!

Here’s an opportunity to talk directly to TinyCo, and tell the developers of our favorite game exactly what’s on YOUR mind!  Hit them with both the good and the bad, and what you would like to see either added to the game or changed going forward.


Being that we’ve all just wrapped up a HUGE month-long event, please give them some direct feedback on it if you’re so inclined.  But don’t just pigeonhole on King Butt, make sure to address normal gameplay stuff too.  Also, we get readers from all over the world, so make sure you touch on any issues you may have based solely on where you live.  As long as your comment is clean and professional, we will GUARANTEE it gets read by TinyCo (and maybe even get responded to directly here on the site).

Address your comment just like you’re talking to them directly, and then give it to em straight.  If you like what somebody else has posted, make sure you let them know with a response!  I’ll get the party started in the comments below.  Looking forward to hearing exactly what YOU think about the game, and how YOU would make it better going forward!

52 thoughts on “Tell TinyCo What’s On Your Mind!”

  1. Here are some suggestions:
    – Add a “clam lock” so your kids can’t spend all your clams when they get a hold of your phone.
    – (Android) Add a .nomedia file by default to the data folder so the media scanner doesn’t go crazy every time you play the game.
    – add gesture shortcuts to do various things. for example… drawing a backward L could select the next non-busy character (or you could just add a button for that on the bottom).
    – I wanna see Bertram in the game.
    – A random cut-away to Conway Twitty might also be entertaining.


  2. Give us a blank timer before an event starts so we don’t miss a single second of it and maybe have a chance to get 1-3 clams when visiting friends.


  3. I need help reconnecting to Facebook. For some reason, The connection broke, so I no longer have the ability to visit my friends. When I try to log back on with Facebook, i get an error stating the server is not found, with Consuela delivering the message.

    Any help on how to reconnect to Facebook would be appreciated.


  4. – No Facebook, please!
    – Why does the island have to be on the beach instead of in the water?
    – Constant crashing makes me not want to play.
    – Character locator.
    – Rare and Extra Rare items combined with lengthy tasks are frustrating.

    Thanks for listening!


  5. Hi guys,
    Double thumbs up on the game and the quests you set out. I do agree with all the points put forward so far, but will mention the following for greater awareness.
    1. Sell back duplicate items please.
    2. Load screen and app icon needs an update, you were so strict with the timeline for the event..
    3. The throne, let me store it or make it produce clams please.
    4. Game crashes…..its has returned. Each time I exit the game, if I jump to different multiverses (missing out on coins/clams), if i zoom outwhen the games first loads and move around the main screen anytime in the AM (BST, england).
    Here are my thoughts,
    MORE SPACE!!!!. Now, I know more districts are coming, but I’ve run out of space and its goodbye roads.
    How about some way to write, graffiti or post on friends multiverses. Communication guys, whilst your thinking about that, someway to share credit or clams with friends to help them with the start, quests or items. (As a one off as i know you want us to buy buy buy!!!)
    And finally if your going to make us work so hard for these quests, items, characters and costumes. Pay out some more clams on level progression or event compleation bonuses please. We do put in the effort and more often than not the hard cash so share to love/clams guys.


  6. The ability to add “friends” who are already playing the game without using Facebook is a must. I’ve bothered my Facebook friends & no one else wants to play. I’m not going to continue annoying people by inviting them over & over again. Allow us the ability to see other current game user names & request to connect, please.


  7. 1. Give us a way to get king butt. Put a lot of effort into it and now can’t earn him.
    2. Please do a Star Wars event. That would be amazing.
    3. Stewie
    4. Multiverse event
    5. Who wants corn chowder? You know what I mean.


  8. I love the game don’t get me wrong…but the last event kind of made me disappointed… first i tried to get a lot of jelly yo shots and only needed 40 of the red shots only found 24! It took 7 hrs for the tasks to complete and even they completed the tasks i got the other colors instead of red. Then i tried to get more butts because i was determined to get king butt….sooo i spent 20.00 on clams so i could get the big shrine that dropped TONS of butts in hopes that id make it to 100,000 butts…sadly i did not make it to 100,000 butts i only made it to 82,000 or so…i was very disappointed and thought i would have made it before time was up. I did my best not to spend actual dollars but i had to due to there is not enough time in the day to consistently play due to i work 10 hr shifts as well as i have to sleep (please note that cell phones are not allowed on the work floor, if they were id be golden.) Please tinyco i understand making us work for items, but making them EXTREMELY hard to get is another story. Just a thought… 🙂


  9. It would be nice to be able to get clams for every 5-10 level ups. Also it would be nice if the throne from the king butt challenge was able to be put in the inventory or gave up coins. It’s just taking up space and I keep getting a warning that it’s too important to store. The event is over let me store it!


    1. All great points! I’ve read that they intend to allow throne storage with the next update and it was just an oversight on their part.


  10. At first the “Play with headphones, it’s the best” loading screen tip entertained me, as I too wish alot more people would stick their headphones in so I don’t have to listen to their noisey apps on the train/bus/plane/bed*.
    But now after reading it the 3 millionth time it’s became more of a “how far can I read before it crashes” kind of thing, although I admit the crashing has minimized a bit more.
    What I’m trying to say is, I would like some more joke/tips to read on the loading screen. That would be wondeful.
    Also, the boot up screen still is in event mode… the app icon is in event mode aswell.. though sometimes after a crash during the event it would change. And why is there jibberish amounts of letters and numbers in the corners?

    Thanks for listening =)

    *hope my wife reads this


    1. Hahahahaha! Different jokes/phrases on the loading screen would be nice. Also, good observation with the app button and loading screen still being in event mode. Kinda makes me mad that they were so hard-core about the event ending according to their schedule but weren’t even ready to change the loading screen at that time. Had they kept king butt available as long as they’ve left up this old event loading screen, there’s probably thousands of extra players who would have been able to get him…


  11. Yeah, when I started playing this game 2 months ago, it was pretty awesome. But since the Moon Idols Update, the game wasn’t that good anymore. After closing Family Guy the App crashes. EVERYTIME. Another point is, that I had payed about 20$ to unlock King Butt (I’ve never paid InApp stuff before and I will never do this again!). Furthermore tapping on all these mummies to earn Moon Idols was annoying.. I hope you bring the old style back and you really should (!) adjust InApp prices!! I don’t want to spend another 20$ for this ‘free’ game..


    1. Sorry you feel that way. $20 sounds excessive just for King Butt, what did you spend it all on? I did it with just the help of one single Lavish Shrine (400 clams, I think-around $10ish). And I ended up with nearly 170,000 butts…meaning that I really didn’t even need the shrine.
      Thanks for the comment though! Glad we could help you get your opinion out there, and TinyCo will definitely see it.


  12. Here’s a comment I got back from TinyCo today about our little post here:
    “Hello Pickles! 🙂 We regularly feature your blog on our weekly Community Roundup! We’ll be happy to read over all the comments of feedback and suggestions regarding the event. I can’t promise we’ll have time to comment to all the posts, but we do read your blog regularly and we’ll be sure to pass along all the feedback to the rest of the Family Guy team :)”
    So, thanks for all of the GREAT comments, keep the great ideas flowing in! They are all being read by TinyCo, and hopefully they’ll even respond to a few here on this thread!


  13. Hi tinyco,

    id like to see more items to buyvwith money, I’ve done everything at th3 moment and am at 145k and nithing to buy so more items or make building’s more expensive with each new update.

    wouldn’t mind seeing water added inland or further out so I can properly place some of the items rather than have them crammed at the beach. As well as being able ti sell stuff back as I got a few duplicate items froms the booty box and not particularly wanting to display more than 1 quagmires plane or boats…

    Was a bit gutted to not get to keep the museum after the event as I wanted that building and to not have clevelands house is a shame since he moved back now so he needs his house xD

    overall im happy with the game and the even was good for your first ever event.


    1. When the event ended, the museum was in my inventory to place anywhere in my town I wanted. Check your inventory! Also, pretty sure that Cleveland’s house showed up for free in my purchase building menu. Check around! As long as you had unlocked Cleavland and the museum as part of the event, they will still be in your Quahog now that it’s over!
      As far as the rest of your comment, great suggestions!


  14. I would like the quests for epic items to be shorter since they drop rate is already low I feel like the quest time shouldn’t be so high. Makes getting the eye for Anime Peter even more difficult when it’s epic and 6 hour quest time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. …but it really makes you feel like you’ve accomplished something when you get the last one! I love the drop rates, they’re kinda a rite of passage.


  15. I love this game I’m a big fan of American dad do you think there would ever be a cross over event would love to see roger running around my town


  16. I wouldn’t mind having an observation button/toggle, something to click so all menus, pop ups, coin symbols n task complete bubbles go away, that way I can look around in peace. (Only cause I want to see some awesome screenshots for our competitions shhh)

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Definitely agree with being able to sell stuff back. Or I would like to be able to give extra items to my friends’ towns.


  18. Here an idea for an event this fall… in one word… “LEAFERS”.
    I would also like to see Death, Neil Goldman and Carl characters added. Another event idea would be a Renaissance Faire with knight outfits for Peter and Mort.


  19. Hi TinyCo
    The game is great as it is but I would love to see these things in the next update or later on (the sooner the better)
    -cleavlands house
    -more facespace status updates
    -fix joe’s facespace (i don’t know if it’s just me who has this problem but I cannot view his page)
    -special events (circus and kingdom of the full moon) happen more than just once, maybe annually adding more stuff each time as I didn’t finish them 100%


  20. Please.. Tinyco.. A collect all button for collecting all of one’s buildings at once.. Us hardcore farmers have over 200 typical office buildings and individual clicks are rough on an iPhone.. Please consider


  21. Hey TinyCo,

    Loving the game in general, quite liked the Full Moon event as it gave a lot of variety and new characters. I think the King Butt character was too much at 100,000 idols but maybe that’s just me? I’d like to see lots of new characters on the game such as Carl, maybe Diane (either as a human or a ghost) and maybe you could have an event around May 4th where they all dress up as their Star Wars persona’s, you know? (May the fourth be with you), obviously Christmas and Halloween events you’re probably already doing but yeah, it’s a great game and can’t wait to see what comes next 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  22. G’day TinyCo! I was hoping to find out, I was only a couple of items away from unlocking Cleavland, and unlocking Lois in her SNM attire and now that the promotion has ended, I’ve missed out on these two points in the game, will Cleavland come back? And will this outfit be made available again? Please let me know,

    Dave, Melbourne, Australia


    1. S&M Lois should still be available to get, unless you have a glitch or something. I unlocked her well before the event started. Also, Cleveland “should” still be unlockable now that it’s over. Check out this FAQ post from TinyCo:
      Can I unlock Cleveland after the event ends?
      If you have the museum built, you can still unlock Cleveland after the event ends, but it’ll be harder! Some of the items needed to unlock him will change. Once the event ends, the museum will automatically be moved to your inventory. Place this building back into your town to start collecting the new items needed.


  23. Yes to Pickles earlier comment, we definitely need a character finder button, perhaps an on/off toggle button that makes a bubble or symbol above a character who isn’t currently doing anything.
    I like the idea of more land, im sure its being worked on, but id like to be able to use my space more efficiently, by being able to put roads in any square I want which would free up some wasted space.
    I would like to plop the Asiantown entrance ontop of the road, it’s the right size but would not let me do it!
    While on the subject of plopping buildings… alot of the time I find myself scrolling across town instead of sliding my buildings around. Seems to be a little oversensitive with how you grab them.. (especially 1×1 structures)
    As a person who doesnt use Facebook I would like to see a different friends system also, as I would enjoy viewing others towns and showing off my own!

    Can we have some more quests? Or some more costumes to unlock? It would atleast keep me busy and entertained until the next event or major update… Apart from the fact I really want Banana Brian so I can do the PBnJ dance 24/7 =D

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hahaha! Any time I wanna see the PB&J dance, I just tell my 6 year old to do it. But I can’t wait to have Brian doing it in the game too!


  24. I think they could use a few things.

    1) Items that add bonus cash/experience.
    2) A way to click through each of your characters so you don’t have to find them on your own.
    3) Sell King Butt for Clams, i busted my ass tapping mummy’s and buying things to get him and came up 20,000 idols short.
    4) Have the Experience meters have a number so i know how much i have to go before a level up.
    5) Clams for leveling up. Or a big set of them when you hit level monuments, like 25, 40, 50, 75, 100, etc.
    6) Allow you to sell items back, i have several things from booty boxes i don’t want
    7) Add things like rivers/water that’s like roads so you can add water through out the town.
    8) A game that let’s you win clams ever so many clicks
    9) Let us catch greased up deaf guy, like he’s running through the city and you have to click on him, then he comes back the next day. Every 25 times is a clam or something like that
    10) Change some of the writing on items (which i’d love to help with), there’s a lot of similar/repeat descriptions on the items

    Overall this game is awesome, just would love to see a few tweaks.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. I am hoping to see a water district and an introduction to Billy the dolphin in the game. Perhaps a band of rogue sunken mercedes benz cars will emerge from the deep and roam the streets and require ‘clearing’ much like Joe with the stray kids or Brian with the bulls. Although I guess I will have to buy a scuba suit for my workers so they can clear the seaweed/shipping containers so I can construct the many interesting water dwelling buildings I’m sure you will think of! Unless its going to be an event?? =O
    I’m excited!!
    Thanks for listening TinyCo, I’m sure ill be commenting again soon but I just had to get this one in!!


    1. AWESOME IDEAS! Can’t wait to see if something like that could ever be in the plans. Thanks for the comment!


      1. I like that idea of the water very much

        I’d like to able to put the boats, ships and also the island further in the water. so my gold diggers island is not sititng on the beach.

        Liked by 1 person

  26. Dear TinyCo,

    Thanks do much for this game I love it.

    – I like how when you have updates you do them on the servers. So You are always up to date on the game and its a good surprise when you wake up to an update.
    – I like the last event however only got half of the trophies (50k). As someone who only plays as a freemium it would be good to be able to get all the prizes without having to spend cash.
    – Could we possibly get some more fencing and a larger hedge grass hedge to be able to separate our houses?
    -My biggest thing would be to have an xp meter that shows how much xp you have and how much you need to get to the next level.
    – I liked it how it took me about a month to unlock Anime Pete, thus delaying the time to get Trisha. Made me keep playing the game till I got it.

    I also agree with Pickles on the below
    – A button to locate all the character in a top corner would be quite handy especially later on when there are more characters.
    -A daily bonus for logging-in to the game would be welcomed.
    -We NEED a friend-ing system that doesn’t involve FaceBook!!!


    1. Good stuff. Different hedge/fencing choices would be cool, and better XP meters would be useful as well!
      On your last point there (how long for Amine Peter), I completely AGREE! Although most players probably hate the randomness of drop rates, I’ve long thought that they’re the best feature of the game, and I hope they never change them! We all ‘paid our dues’ to get the hard ones (Mermaid, S&M, etc.) and new players will have to just do it too.


      1. That is what separates this game from others. If you want a costume really bad you have to earn it 🙂 and when you get it it feeling like a massive achievement

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I like this very much. Although I have to say I think I got very lucky when unlocking alot of characters, didnt seem to take long at all. I think during this last event I unlocked Connie, S&M Lois, Anime Peter, Trisha apart from event ones like AdPete, Cleveland and 80s Cleveland… and Mermaid Peter miraculously in the shortest time possible. I got an Epic item EVERY time… Luck of the draw or what? I do know of others who had trouble for a while though.

      On another note, thanks for the 4000 moon idol sarcophagus prizes. They were pretty cool! I have a couple of planes and got 50 clams to unlock the church ontop of the Stables which id saved up for. Woohoo!


  27. I really enjoy playing the game but get super frustrated when the majority of the super cool stuff and characters can only be purchased with clams! Times are tough and I sure as heck cant afford the price of those suckers!! I also think that items that dont serve as a moneymaker shouldnt have their titles pop up when you are trying to tap on your characters. I dont need the game to tell me its a fire hydrant every time I tap it. I have hidden most of my inventory items for that reason. Also wish it was easier to move the buildings and decorations around. Right now you try to move them and it just moves the background. Most of my characters are also at their character max. Would like to see some new tasks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very good points! It is still tricky to move things around in the town. And I had never really thought about it before, but I have been reminded unnecessarily THOUSANDS of times about Dog Houses, Fire Hydrants, and Light Poles! Good stuff.


  28. I love the game but. Would like it to be more specific with the wording for the event. I would also like another chance to get cleveland. I idnt know that the only way to get him would be to have peter whip it. The whips and guns were extremely hard to get. I finally got the costume right when the event ended. It should be harder to get him, costing a bunch of coins to get his house and unlock him, but it shouldn’t be impossible. Most characters are already extremely impossible to unlock. Please consider this, because the game is very enjoyable but would be more fun with a chance to get most of the characters.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the feedback! This is one that TinyCo needs to read for sure. Maybe the FAQ answer below, and our post here on What Happens When The Event Ends will help you in the mean time.

      Can I unlock Cleveland after the event ends?
      If you have the museum built, you can still unlock Cleveland after the event ends, but it’ll be harder! Some of the items needed to unlock him will change. Once the event ends, the museum will automatically be moved to your inventory. Place this building back into your town to start collecting the new items needed.


  29. Dear TinyCo,
    First off: THANKS FOR MAKING US AN AWESOME GAME TO WASTE COUNTLESS HOURS PLAYING! I have some suggestions of things I like, and things I don’t like, and I’ll list them below.
    -I really like how each character has a voice, and several outdoor job options. I think Trisha should have more jobs than she currently does.
    -Please give us the ability to sell back unused items that are in our inventory!
    -I think that more buildings should have unique sounds when tapped-on (the rotation of knocking and doorbell gets OLD).
    -We need more things to do with our in-game cash!!! I’m sitting at over $700k. Give us some crazy awesome building choices that cost $ and not clams.
    -We NEED some kind of method of finding our characters, even just the ones that are not currently on jobs! They hide behind buildings ALL THE TIME. Maybe you could incorporate this feature into the current FaceSpace setup?
    -We NEED more land, and would LOVE more space in the water to put stuff! You gave us at least a whole new district worth of props and buildings with the Full Moon update, but no new land in which to put it all.
    -Can we PLEASE get some kind of incentive for decorating our town? The Simpsons ‘Stars’ method is a good idea for that, but I bet you guys are even more creative and can come up with a better system.
    -Can we PLEASE have some incentive for levelling-up (maybe 2-3 clams for reaching each level)? If not, then why stop us at 40? It seems like a very arbitrary number.
    -We NEED a friend-ing system that doesn’t involve FaceBook!!!
    -King Butt and the Adventure Peter costume both should appear in our main FaceSpace screen.
    -A daily bonus for logging-in to the game would be welcomed.
    -The various animations on buildings and items are all SUPER COOL! I would really like the water on Ricky’s Cantina and the Hanging Gardens to be animated too.
    So, that’s wall what came to mind in the last few minutes for me, ranked in no particular order. Thanks TinyCo for continually working to give us a great game, and for LISTENING TO YOUR PLAYERS!


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