More details about the new update v.1.0.15 (Land, Districts and Buildings)

More details about the new update v.1.0.15!

Land costs:

All land on the right costs:
12 hours to build

The land on the left costs:
24 hours to build

24 hours to build

24 hours to build

24 hours to build

24 hours to build

24 hours to build

All land will cost 265,000 to clear!

New buildings (premium):


Hi-Yah’s Dojo
Costs: 150 Clams
Earns: $40, 25XP every 6 hours


Glam Bam Thank You Ma’am
Costs: 150 Clams
Earns: $40, 25XP every 6 hours

District 8:


District 9:


Although these two new districts are available, reports have been sent to us mentioning how all their characters are free (I had just set my characters to 12 hour tasks!) but there is no tasks to trigger unlocking District 8! This is just a warning so you don’t rush everyone because you think you will be able to unlock Stewie.

What do you think of this update? Pleased with new land? Think the new districts are teasers and we won’t be able to unlock until after the 4th of July update?

32 thoughts on “More details about the new update v.1.0.15 (Land, Districts and Buildings)”

  1. So, how would a person unlock district 9? I have no more quests, but the district is still locked.. will it open up in a new update?


    1. As far as I know, district 9 isn’t available yet, so you’ll be waiting for a long time before district 9 would be unlock (considering we have the Comic-Con event going on right now on IOS and soon on Android). So my guess is that if you have IOS, start focusing on the Comic-Con event and if you are on Android, just starting saving some money up until the Comic-Con event and focus on that. I’m sure alot of people are wanting district 9 to be unlocked so you are not the only one.



  2. It’s nice the districts are finally there. Of course it’s gonna take a bit to get everyone unlocked.

    On a different note…I doubt they kept all my xp….no chance in hell I wouldn’t be a higher level, was stuck on 40 for over a month it seemed between the 4th of July thing and that king butt shit that didn’t really do much.


  3. I wish TinyCo would fix their spelling on the District 9 description. Fix it. You’re paid to do it right, especially when millions of people are going to read it. It’s something that really GRINDS MY GEARS!!


      1. “That right, a flagpole!” should be “That’s right, a flagpole!”
        Minor misspelling, or perhaps Peter is providing the description.


  4. I don’t understand why people would have burnt through their cash. Doesn’t anyone play Simpsons Tapped Out? Updates are possible at any moment and require cash. Why would you set yourself up to have next to nothing left? Do you really need 100s of each firework?
    I know the race is on to convert cash to clams, but you’d really leave yourself vulnerable for an update? I hit 20 clams once, but only spent like 50k. I still have 320k in the bank – I’m more concerned getting that achievement though. If I had it, I wouldn’t have spent it all either after seeing how those fireworks come by the dozens and 1 flower per 20k.


  5. Is the mystery box connected to 4th of July, or does it stay in the game? After spending $300.000 on the box I’m more keen on saving my money. There’s gonna be a lot of ground cleaning the next few weeks…


    1. I am guessing the mystery box is going to disappear after the event as the box is called “4th of July Mystery Box” 🙂 saving money is probably the best plan of action at the moment! Have you cleared any of the new land yet?


  6. I knew they’d eventually expand the town limits, so I only opened enough Stewie boxes to get Atlantis free. I’ve already started clearing the land to the right, working on the 4th and final one now. They need to quit teasing us with the new districts and let us unlock them already.


  7. Have you been tweaking alot of stuff on this blog/site? Everything looks so different n so many things have changed…. =( im confused as to what is going on anymore… alot of things seem to be loading wrong.. maybe its just me


    1. Can you try and explain what issues you are having? The only things that have changed is the banner picture, less featured posts at the top of the page and the competition pictures which are at the top.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Yeah Kwenz, we’re just trying to make the site more user-friendly for our readers no matter what device they use to find us. Hopefully any wrinkles this caused have now been ironed out. Thanks for reading!


  8. It’s funny that I kept around 50k save from Rupert until YESTERDAY when I threw everything out of the window. Damn -_-
    But yay, finally new districts are up ahead!


      1. Be careful what you do next then 😉 what you do in your game could affect all of the other players if TinyCo base their decisions on how you play! :p


  9. Sneaky they made everyone unload their coin on mystery boxes, that way they cant unlock the new areas and land so quickly. Good thing I saw this coming, hopefully after my builders are finished clearing the blocks to the new districts it will trigger ways to unlock them. Anyone cleared the blocks yet?
    Otherwise I’m very happy with getting much more ‘stuff’ to do =)


    1. It was very sneaky of them! But we did ask for a freemium mystery box and more land, they just gave us the two things at different times, if ot was the other way round and we got the land first and then the mystery box… wouldn’t we all be going mad about how we have no money for opening the mystery box and getting exclusive items rather than land? 😉


    2. P.S. even after all the blocks have cleared, no task triggers as TinyCo have confirmed that the districts are just previews at the moment to get us all excited for what’s to come! 🙂


  10. I needed the land, things are starting to look cramped. Looking forward to some new tasks/unlock items to get a character… but i fear whatever epic item it will take to get Stewie… could be awhile til he unlocks.


    1. So did I! Very grateful to TinyCo for releasing land to us! 🙂 I can’t wait to see how many items we are going to need… probably 100 epic just for Stewie – just because TinyCo know how badly everyone wants him!


  11. I DID spend all my money on the Rupert box 😦 and i kept getting fireworks and i got the coins once and several white flowers. I shouldve waited like i did with the other events :L


    1. It is hard not to want to keep opening the mystery box though – especially when it isn’t premium! You aren’t the only player that used all their money opening it though, maybe ot was TinyCo’s plan 😉


    1. That’s what a lot of players are needing to do now! Some players were saving again just to open the mystery box up again before it disappears for good! What have you won from the mystery box so far? 🙂


      1. I bought one new mystery box, and got Rupert. Though I can buy anymore when it said 3 was the limit of boxes per day…hmmmm

        I’m assuming everyone is able to place as many tanning salons as they want?
        that’s odd to me.


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