Stewie in-game teaser!

Just received a new and very exciting notification!


How exçited are you? How badly do you want Stewie? Are you being very good and patient? When do you think we will get Stewie?

25 thoughts on “Stewie in-game teaser!”

  1. Have had this stewie message and the other messages about district 8 for the last couple of days now. So not that new to most of us. Have also cleared all the new land and no, nothing happens if you do. Apart from 4th July items being removed, District 8 is still locked until game is updated by tiny.


      1. Indeed! Lots of offices as they are cheap and can collect a lot in a day 🙂 the size of your office farm is up to you… some people have 20, some have 100+


      2. Really? Wow, maybe I should look into this. I am clearing land but only have about $70k banked. Any other suggestions/tips?


      3. Hmmm… let me think… maybe another one to save money – don’t buy any buildings that you aren’t required to buy to complete a quest, and you earn more if you put all your characters on hour tasks instead of long tasks, as long as you can go onto your game regularly 🙂


  2. I like how you can see Stewie in Bob’s Funland. Took me a while to see him because I never zoomed in on my phone, good to know he is officially on the map. Im pre – fabricating a huge amount of offices to fill my land when ready. Yay for land. I don’t have as much coin as all of you though and I’m only level 38 right now. Im hoping I can get a bit more coin before the next release so I dont fall too far behind you all!


    1. It’s pretty cool isn’t it! Stewie is shooting his laser gun and looks very angry! I think TinyCo has not only pleased a lot of player by giving lots of new land but also put Stewie on the map! 🙂


  3. I completed the 4th of July quests on the 4th of July.
    Been twiddling my thumbs collecting coins and no XP (at level 40) waiting for something new. Cleared the right side. Left side a little expensive so I’ll wait until the next district opens and see if any land needs to be cleared around there first.


      1. I had $1.1M when the mystery box arrived. Now, after paying for clearing all land I’ve got approx $600k left. I also started my “office farming” once again.


      2. Sorry, didn’t answer how much I earn in “Office farming”. Roundabout $100k in three days, including all houses and activities.


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