Do you still need EPIC items?

I have a tried and tested tip that will help you collect all the materials that you are struggling to find!

No matter which item you are trying to collect, this tip will work!

What you need to do:

After you have set your character to complete the item earning task at least 5 times, set the character (or characters) to complete an hour task, then set your character to complete the item earning task again – once this character has completed their task, the item you are wanting should drop!

Other players that I have shared this tip with have replied back and told me it has worked for them, so I thought I would share this tip with all of you!

Let me know if you try it and it works!

14 thoughts on “Do you still need EPIC items?”

  1. Didn’t work for me made Dr Hartman funny bone treatment (1 hr task) then made him do 6 hr task for eyeball and didn’t get it


  2. I have a new question about the headbands for Lois. i dont want to use clams to get the special building but i do the task (kicking ass) several times but no headband, can i use the same strategy for this as epic?


  3. Worked for me, now i have anime peter. this is the only useful tip for this game that i gave found.
    Thanks for the tip!


    1. You’re are very welcome! I am pleased that the tip worked for you too and helped you gain and unlock Anime Peter! It is always great to hear feedback on how our tips have helped 🙂


  4. Sure hope this works when i’m collecting epic items for stewie… eyeballs and headbands made me want to throw my phone.


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