New characters and future characters… will they be voiced?

By now you’ve noticed the new updates, the new costumes you can unlock PB&J Brian… which i hope all of his tasks are PB&J dance, just at different lengths(which would be genius) and Falconer Peter, another costume for Peter… as if he didn’t have enough already. More details on what you need to unlock these awesome costumes will come, but here’s a brief preview.

PB&J Brian –
PBJ Brian 1

Falconer Peter –
Falconer 2

The addition of Carter Pewterschmidt in the Malt Shoppe for 10,000 is added as well. But future characters to become added are Barbara Pewterschmidt, Jillian, Neil Goldman…

New Chars 8

Also the addition of Death and the Evil Monkey in the future (two of my favorite characters)…

New chars again 9

Now here’s the 10,000 dollar question… will Jillian and Death be our first non-voiced characters, Jillian is voiced by Drew Barrymore and Death by Norm Macdonald in early episodes but now, currently, Adam Carolla. In other similar tap and build games such as The Simpsons Tapped Out, only the 5 or so main voice actors and the characters they voiced are vocalized. Special guest characters are not. So what will it be… silent characters or Celebrity voice added to our game. Truly intriguing!


7 thoughts on “New characters and future characters… will they be voiced?”

  1. Hi i was wondering why i dont have the malt shoppe available to build im currently just about to repair the funland!


    1. I found the Malt Shoppe in my buildings menu, right near the end. It didn’t appear in my featured menu for some reason, hopefully you’ll find it in your building menu too!


  2. I sm pretty sure they will take sound bites from the show, Gillian has made a few appearances now so it shouldn’t be toooo hard to cobble something together. Drew Barrymore has voiced video games before anyway so she would probably be more than happy to get on board if they needed her too! (As long as she isn’t making yet ANOTHER film with Adam Sandler at the time that is!)


  3. My guess for death and Jillian is that they will use voice clips from the show. The game is done in conjunction with Fox or at least that is my hope.


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