Bare Bear Tanning Salon Glitch

If you were lucky enough to win Human Rupert during the weekend, you may have experienced the glitch which allowed players to place unlimited Bare Bear Tanning Salon’s – sadly, I still haven’t unlocked Human Rupert (Pickles, one of our writers, has been lucky enough to win him and place lots of Tanning Salon’s!) – but the glitch has been FIXED!

Unfortunately, the unlucky players (including me) have missed out on the opportunity of farming lots of Bare Bear Tanning Salon’s!

I have been playing continously but Human Rupert is still locked away in the mystery box!

How many boxes have you managed to open? What have you won so far? Have you won any items you did or didn’t already own? Do you think the prizes should have been unique? Are you a lucky player with Human Rupert and a Bare Bear Tanning Salon? Will we (the unlucky players) ever win Human Rupert?!?!

9 thoughts on “Bare Bear Tanning Salon Glitch”

  1. Ive gotten about 6 or 7 boxes I won Rupert 1st try. Since then I’ve gotten: the lobster shanty (already had), Peters pirate car, the Pawtucket patriot ale truck, a set of spotlights and I can’t remember the rest.


    1. Well done! You are one of the lucky ‘first try and get’ players! As there are a lot of reports about players winning first try, I wonder whether TinyCo handed out ‘first try and win’ to half the players and ‘last try and win’ to the other half?


    1. Rubbing it in haha :p I reckon TinyCo wanted to make sure all the premium and freemium players were at the same level – usually premium players can get everything with a few Clams chucked TinyCo’s way, but even if you use some Clams, you aren’t guaranteed to win Human Rupert as it is all due to luck and we don’t get unlimited tries – anyway, I’m sad 😦 I wanted a Bare Bear farm!


  2. So far I’ve won a stewie flower, an ale truck and a stewie billboard. My wife having won Rupert on the first attempt, filled her Quahog with over 4 dozen tanning salons. Lol its ridiculous.


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