Troubleshooting: What is the spawn rate for the Geeks?

If you were wondering what the spawn rare for the different Geeks and how many you are allowed in your town at once, find out below:

The Blue Geeks

Spawn Rate: 3 x every 15 mins
Maximum amount: 12 Blue Geeks

The Red Geeks

Spawn Rate: 2 x every 4 hours
Maximum amount: 6 Red Geeks

The Yellow Geeks

Spawn Rate: 2 x every 6 hours
Maximum amount: 4 Yellow Geeks

Are you experiencing different spawn rates?

2 thoughts on “Troubleshooting: What is the spawn rate for the Geeks?”

  1. Never had more than 6 yellow in a day spawn, so they are not 6 hours, they seem closer to 8 hours. I get about 12 reds a day so that seems right. Blues are spawning more than every 15 minutes, I just now had 9 spawn in less than a 20 minute period, so their timer is off.


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