Who are these people?!

Well everything has uber geeked out in the Quest for Stuff this week…. well it has if you’re on iOS anyway (*grumbles about Apple for a few minutes….*). 

You will notice a whole host of extra geeky characters that have been added (or soon will be!) and if you don’t live in the world of sci-fi, comics and all things geekozoid this may have sent you on a googling rampage! Fear not though, as here is the flying guide to get you up to levels of geek you never knew existed…..

Patrick Stewart

If you don’t recognise Captain Jean-luc Picard you are obviously too young! He boldly went where no man has gone before as the famous captain of the Star Trek Enterprise. Literally the only series of ST I could actually tolerate his opening speech still resonates in my head every time I see his name. Younger folk may be more familiar with him as Prof. Charles Xavier in the X-Men films. He has voiced CIA Deputy Director Avery Bullock in American Dad for every appearance of his character and has also been in 8 episodes of Family Guy.


Stan Lee

Pretty much god in comic book terms, Stan Lee is the force of nature behind Spider-Man, Hulk, Avengers, Fantastic Four (to name drop a mere few). He was the President and Chairman of Marvel and appears in cameo roles in sooooo many Marvel films I’m not even going to start a list… put it this way A LOT.

Felicia Day

Well she is always going to be Vi from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to me, but these days she is a huge name in the geek world due to the online hit series The Guild. She also has a recurring role on Supernatural and is a self professed gamer. OK geek guys, I will give you a minute to swoon…. You done? Good. NEXT!

George Takei

Another massive name in geeksville and huge on the Comic Con circuit is another Star Trek dude, however this time from the original series. He played Hikoru Sulu in the series and the first 6 ST films. Those not old enough to have been geeking out back then he was in all four seasons of Heroes as Kaito (Hiro’s daddy dearest).

Bryan Cranston

Well he was Hal in Malcolm in the Middle which isn’t all that geeky…. he was also Walter White in that little known series Breaking Bad 😉 which also isn’t that geeky BUT…. he has voiced characters in Family Guy, American Dad AND The Cleveland Show which pretty much cements the reason he is here!

Nathan Fillon

He has pretty much got to be one of my favourite guilty geeky pleasures! I mean he was evil Caleb in BtVS, Mal in Firefly (and of course Serenity) and he is Castle in… yep you guessed it Castle! Not forgetting he voices the Green Lantern in the Justice League animated series! PHEW he is a modern day geek god!

Ron Perlman

Ok so he has voiced a couple of characters in American Dad namely the Colonel and the Monster Hunter….don’t remember them? Nope me either. However (i know it is hard to see without the make up) he is only flipping Hellboy! Need i geek more?! No, didn’t think so!


Now you are all clued up, geeked up and working out how much a flight to San Diego is, how much money the ticket scalpers are going to cost you and your costume plans….. my job here is done!



2 thoughts on “Who are these people?!”

  1. Love the post! Thanks for the info. I am now off to Google some pics since I had forgotten Vi and evil Caleb characters and need to refresh. I only knew Felicia Day from Supernatural.


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