Character: What Can I Make Ron Perlman Do

Here are the tasks for our new celebrity this week – Ron Perlman:

Task: Practice Fighting Large Monsters
Duration: 4 hours
Earnings: $5, XP30, 10 Blam!
Drops: Battery (rare)

Task: Practice Jazz Scatting
Duration: 1 hour
Earnings: $20, XP12, 4 Blam!

Task: Catch a Classic Movie
Duration: 6 hours
Earnings: $65, XP45, 12 Blam!

Task: Frolic with Puppies
Duration: 12 hours
Earnings: $10, XP65, 20 Blam!

Task: Rate Brian’s Record Collection
Duration: 20 hours
Earnings: $135, XP88, 26 Blam!

What do you think about the 4 hour and 12 hour earnings? What’s your favourite task/animation?



16 thoughts on “Character: What Can I Make Ron Perlman Do”

  1. It’s august 16th and I just got the female character of the comic com event…. Quagmire has only earned ONE jazz record … I’ve been playing every single day since comic con started…I just got the task of exterminating Stevie with pesticides … There’s probably no chance I will get to unlock all the celebs from the event !!!


  2. So if theres a new celebrity every friday,and patrick stewart and ron perlman are already out, then felicia day will come on august 8, stan lee on august 15, nathan fillion on august 22, and bryan cranston on august 29.And if you got every celebrity including George Takei and the fabulous four, you would have a total of 175 clams.


  3. Does anyone remember at what time Stewart and Perlman was put in the little game of ours? When do we expect Felicia to arrive?


      1. I know, but at what time. Was it early morning? I think it was early European time. I’m trying to plan to have my characters free at the right time. 🙂


      2. I think it was late afternoon for me and it was early as we got Ron Perlman on Thursday, I think! I’m not sure what time we will get a new celebrity this time though :/


      3. By the way, just counted the Fridays until Comicon ends. Hopefully five weeks left means one released celebrity every Friday until beginning of September. 🙂


  4. I’m not finding any movie discs!! (I cannot remember what they’re called)…
    Q, Red nerds, and Quagmire all have a chance to get them but out of the countless attempts I’ve only received 1! I don’t know if it’s just my bad luck or if something is actually wrong with my game?! I know they’re “rare” but I have 5 of the “extra rare” item so it hardly seems accurate!
    Is anyone else having this problem?


    1. I’m not getting many CD’s either..I’ve got a few, but they seem to be harder to get than the movie film for sure.
      I’ve been sending Quagmire on his 4hr task over and over again, but I don’t think he has actually dropped ANY CDs..the CDs I HAVE received dropped from the Q and red shirts (…still extremely rare tho). Just trying to be’s pretty frustrating tho


      1. Yes! You share my pain! It seems to be fine now though as yesterday I actually found 4 Jazz Records! So maybe the wait was worth it


  5. have you received the update yet?? If so, have you managed to place Perlmans chair?? I’m still having same issue on both my accounts that I mentioned last night when update hit UK – cant place chair 😦


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