Ron Perlman and Week 2 FAQS

If you can’t see Ron Perlman on the flagpole, or any Mutant Stewie’s locking your building – read on:

“We just released new content for Comic-Con, for both iOS and Android players. Everyone welcome Ron Perlman (and Mutant Stewie) into the game  Here are some FAQs and known bugs: 

This content will appear after you finish the quest, “Quahog Comic-Con, Pt. 6.” This is available on iOS, Android and Amazon. 

Shooting Stewie off the buildings is the only way to get rid of him. When you do this, you’ll get Blam!, XP and chances for materials for Ron Perlman and Patrick Stewart. 

There’s currently a known bug where you don’t see Ron dangling off the Flag Pole. If you quit your game and reload, this will be fixed and you’ll see him! We’ll have a permanent fix for this in our next update. 

We also have not made any changes to nerd spawn rate so they should still be the same as the ones listed in the in-game FAQ.”

8 thoughts on “Ron Perlman and Week 2 FAQS”

  1. Haven’t confirmed this yet but it would appear that the Latcher Stewies “fall off” (go away on their own) after around 12 hours. I had one attached to the “Furry Dungeon” (or whatever it is called now) and when I woke up it was gone. Don’t know when it went away but it was between 8 and 12 hours,


      1. Yes the quest is available but the flagpole isn’t giving the option to be repaired. Plus I can’t see him either.


      2. Have you read the new FAQS? If restarting your game, unlocking Patrick Stewart and completing Quahog Comic-Con Pt. 6 hasn’t worked – only option would be to let TinyCo know – have you tried messaging TinyCo using the in-game messaging function?


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