New Celebrity and New Vehicle tomorrow?

Guess what day it is tomorrow everyone? Yes… It is Friday! What does that mean?! The weekend… oh! I almost forgot – it also means a new celebrity and a new vehicle challenge!

How did everyone get on during the last vehicle challenge? Did you all manage to zap 15 Mutant Stewie’s and win the Nailgunner? If you did, what do you think? Was it good that TinyCo reduced the amount of Latcher Stewie’s and the amount of time it took for the Zapper to fully charge?

What are your suggestions for this weeks vehicle? Any idea what the bonus vehicle will be?

Do you think TinyCo will surprise us with a celebrity that isn’t Felicia Day? What do you think we will need to collect to unlock her? Do you know her from anything you have watched? Is there a different celebrity you would want this week? Which celebrity is in your MOST WANTED list?

How did you feel about Ron Perlman? Have you unlocked him yet? Did you find him difficult to unlock? Have the Nerds helped you much?

How many Blam! Energy Drinks do you need to win George Takei? How have you found the past week? Still enjoying the Comic-Con event?

Yes, this is 100 questions! 😉

I will be back with the scoop once our new celeb and vehicle is announced! In the meantime, feel free to answer ALL my questions and I will TRY my best to answer yours!


13 thoughts on “New Celebrity and New Vehicle tomorrow?”

  1. Lots of questions!

    1). I completed the vehicle task with not much trouble so the reduction in zap time was good. I think it was a good amount of time given the previous 6 hours was unattainable for anyone unless they paid.

    2) I havnt unlocked Ron pearlman yet, I just need 1 more of whatever task that’s needed from quagmire. I actually found the nerds and zapping Stewie is where all my items came from.

    Sitting at 17,000 blam, George takei is a pipe dream. I don’t like the fact that it seems you’ll have to spend money to get enough blam to unlock him. I don’t have a problem with buying characters outright with clams, but I do have a problem with having to spend clams on events to achieve rewards. I’d much rather have George takei as a purchased premium character, because at this rate I’m not getting him and I suspect nearly everyone else is in the same boat.

    On another note, there needs to be more characters that help with items. Premium characters seems fitting for this: consuela, jake, the horse, and buzz, I think really should also be dropping items. When I say this, I mean in a reasonable amount of time. Don’t make the items drop on their longest tasks, have it inline with the others (2hrs – 8hrs)


  2. I was able to get the last vehicle without too much trouble. Switching the Zapper to 4 hours rather than 6 was appreciated. I was glad to see that Stewie wouldn’t keep taking over all of the buildings. That was my original concern when it seemed like Stewie would outnumber batteries to the extreme.

    I still don’t have Ron Perlman unlocked. It does seem like things were easier to collect for him after mid week. Nerds did not seem useful on him, but they have been useful already for the new costume. It seems like Peter may be getting too busy. I wish they would use Premium characters to help with this or use some of the other characters that seem stagnant during events.

    I have around 20,000 Blam, so It doesn’t seem like I will be able to get 4 times that many more in time. (80,000)

    I am enjoying the event. Tapped Out is boring right now and I haven’t been on there. I do wish drop rates were better and there were more characters able to help collect. The amount of paid items seem excessive, but the important thing is for them to make the event doable for freemium players or those that don’t want to drop too much cash.


  3. Wow lots of questions. I shall answer to the best of my ability.

    I did manage to complete the challenge for getting the vehicle. Reducing the charge time definitely helped but changing the number of Stewies in my town didn’t really make a difference. I still have 16 batteries stockpiled without having bought any so I’m in good shape at least for the next vehicle challenge.

    I think the vehicle will be related to Blobulous since he’s the costume we get unlocked this week. This week we get Felicia Day in a cocoon (I’m already repairing the flagpole) and she is unlocked with what looks like 8-sided dice, boom boxes, and telescopes. We also get Bryan Cranston for 500 clams… I’m not a big fan of that since it implies I’ll likely need lots of clams for Nathan Fillion too who is, aside from Patrick Stewart, my most wanted celebrity.

    I finished unlocking Ron Perlman last night and he’s currently working on part 5 of his quest. The nerds didn’t help a whole lot with his items but did help in granting batteries.

    As of right now I am sitting at 28,365 Blam! so I need about 72k more for George Takei. I’m a little behind based on average needed per day, but with the new Giant Mutant Stewie things may well speed up if it isn’t too hard to get pesticides.

    This second week has felt a bit slower than the first one (maybe since with the first I unlocked Patrick Stewart early, but this week spent most just to unlock Ron Perlman), but I am still enjoying it.

    Looking forward to the next week and building Felicia’s Frozen Yogurt and the Ethereal LARPing Forest (I would totally use that in real life)

    Phew. More comments after I learn more about this weeks stuff.


  4. Id like to point out that they have released Bryan Cranston to be bought with clams, as well as several new premium buildings, a new deco, and Felicia Day attached to a flag pole… as well as a giant mutant stewie that acts the same as defeating king butt.


  5. Felicia Day is the new update. Walter White costs 500 clams 😦 a new free Blam building plus a giant Stewie to spray with pesticide.


  6. Why does Bryan Cranston have to cost 500 clams can’t he be available for a certain amount of blam? I find it a waste to spend so much clams in this event just to get the new limited time characters that most people wont be able to get.


  7. Honestly, I have no clue who Felicia Day is. The only ones I was really interested in are George Takei, Nathan Fillion and Bryan Cranston. I am not seeing Nathan on the list, Bryan is 500 clams so, that isn’t going to happen and I seem to be WAY off track on George. According to the calendar, I should have about 31,000 right now. Even though I have been playing around the clock and got 1500 Blams from the Mystery Box, I still only have 23,400.

    Oh, the car and Ron Pearlman were pretty easy to get this week. I hope they keep them fairly easy since you pretty much need to have them unlocked within a week to be able to move on.


  8. I have this update already, chris outfit is there, as well as Bryan Cranston he is 500clams.. total cost of clams for this update for today alone would be 1,100clams with felicia days buildings and chris’s costume buildings…


  9. Oh man really hope the update patches the prob with the comic con prematurely ending. I’ve missed out on batteries and blams and can’t get nerds to unlock ron but managed to get the nail gunner and Patrick before it bugged out so feel like I haven’t missed out too much so far.

    With luck we’ll all be back on track playing and grabbing the next car and celeb tomorrow!


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