UPDATE: New Costume, Celebrities, Buildings, Giant Stewie and Sale!

Lots of newy newness in our games right now! Available for iOS and Android!

New Sale: Limited-Time Three Days Only! Earn 4000 free Blam! when you buy £5.95 or more of Clams!


Bryan Cranston and his Chair has been added to the game BUT he costs 500 Clams – earns $10 and 5 XP every 2 hours (his chair) – his tasks earn Blam! and his 4 hour task: Throw a Pizza drops Battery!


Felicia Day has been added to the game in a cocoon! You need to complete the Creature from Goo Lagoon questline first! You will need to repair a flagpole again (red) which costs 200 Blam! and takes 8 hours, and collect 15 x dice, 15 x 80’s Jams,10 x Telescopes and 1000 Blam!

Blobulous (Chris’ new superhero outfit) has been added too!

Giant Stewie! You need to collect Pesticides to spray him! This works like King Butt!


New buildings have been added:


Fatty Fat Fat Donuts – costs 100 Clams! Earns $30 and XP 30 every 4 hours! Always drops Cupcakes.

Nifty Fifties Diner – costs 150 Clams! Earns $40 and XP 25 every 6 hours! Always drops Ice Cream.

Quahog Planetarium – costs 150 Clams! Earns $40 and XP 25 every 6 hours. Always drops Telescope.

Dead Format Records – costs 100 Clams! Earns $30 and XP 20 every 4 hours. Always drops 80’s Jams.

Felicia Day’s Trailer – costs 100 Clams! Always drops Dice.


Felicia’s Frozen Yoghurt – costs 2500 Blam! Earns $40 and XP 25 every 6 hours! Takes 12 hours to build.

Ethereal Larping Forest – costs 5000 Blam!

More details coming about the characters, costume and buildings!

What do you think about HUGE Mutant Stewie?

How do you feel about the price of Bryan Cranston?

Do you wish that more of the buildings were freemium (coins or Blam!)?

Are you excited about unlocking a new costume – Blobulous?

Are you pleased to have a new freemium celebrity?

Do you think Nathan Fillion will be an expensive premium celeb too?

34 thoughts on “UPDATE: New Costume, Celebrities, Buildings, Giant Stewie and Sale!”

  1. I had 50,000 Blam and got the 2nd Q hotel, is this one supposed to give nerds also? It said that in the description before I claimed it but there aren’t extra nerds coming out of the 2nd Q!!


    1. No, it shouldn’t disappear! Lots of players have had different buildings disappear, should contact TinyCo so they can give you the Griffin House back and so they are aware of the issue


  2. My game freezes after load up. Anyone else having this problem since the latest update? And how do I contact tinyco if I can’t log into my game?


  3. Of course the sale would go into effect 10 minutes after buying $20 worth of clams…

    I guess I had just enough to buy BC, but still that’s a pretty hefty price.

    I was counting on Felicia Day and new stuff to come out today, so I thought I had enough time to finish UNLOCKING Ron Perlman. But it all started today and now all the new stuff has affected the loot tables, etc. Now the Stewies no longer drop the puppies I need, and Bruce can’t find magical puppies in his bathtub gin quick enough…


  4. I was wondering what the Giant Stewie bonus actually affects. I’ve beaten him once and got a x3 multiplier, but I’m collecting just as much Blam right now as I was collecting before.. Does it only work on specific actions or should I contact Tiny Co. about this?


    1. Just like for king butt, the multiplier works only for defeating giant Stewie. Base reward is 100 cans so you should get 300 (3xbase) the next time!


  5. Just to play devil’s advocate a bit here, TinyCo most likely had to pay the celebs to lend their voices. And since there isn’t any Family Guy episodes with them to grab audio from, it had to be recorded for this game specifically. So that means that in order to afford to have them speak, not just walk around silently, to cost the company. And that my friends is capitalism, and consumerism. A business needs to spend money to make it and hopes that the consumers of their product support them because they want the content provided.
    Boycotts definitely send a message, though. And tell them if, for instance, Bryan was the right choice. If not many people but him, maybe they chose the wrong celeb. Maybe since they had PS, they should’ve had William Shatner. And one of their tasks could’ve been a Star Trek fight tearing each other’s shirts off etc.
    I’m def in the fence about buying BC because I blasted Big Stewie before I started the quest too so I’m 1 behind. And I already had people on tasks that are going into the night.
    The price puts me off, but I need the help with pesticides….
    Grrrrrrrr. I was fine thinking I may spend $100 on this event, but it’s looking like it’ll take near $300 or possibly more if I want 100% completion. 😦
    So much for Takei. …


  6. I think Felicia took far more than 1000 Blams as I had a little over 13,000 and when I hit her Blam check it went down to just over a 3500. I think she takes 10,000


  7. New to the site – I sent this message to tinyco as well but figured I’d pits here to see if similar issues – Once the giant mutant stewie started today – all of my smaller latcher stewies are all gone. I have not had any latcher stewies all day – this makes it nearly impossible to gather extra pesticides to kill giant stewie – especially within the 3 days. Also the 2nd car event started right after I killed giant stewie the first time – which wasted one of the times that would have counted towards the 5 needed to obtain the car.

    Now patrick Stewart gets a pesticide every 4 hours – so it might be possible depending upon which ones are needed. And I got both stewie and the perl today – so happy day. I’m a freemium player with about 22,000 blams so far – doubt I’ll be close to takei level. As for Cranston – 500 clams is way to much.


    1. that’s exactly what happened to me!! I attacked the giant Stewie the first time before the Hot Rod sign appeared. So it says 2/5… but I only have 2 more attacks to do!!
      What happens when you defeat Giant Stewie for the last time? if he doesn’t come back, there’s no way I’m getting the new car!!! Or I need to surrender one round to achieve the 5 in 2 days??


  8. I understand why premium characters don’t drop items because it would give an unfair advantage to premium players, but why don’t Lois, Cleveland or Joe drop anything…? It’s so annoying. I prefer the Simpsons Tapped Out system. (But I prefer Family Guy characters and show).


    1. But at the same time if someone is willing to spend money to get premium characters shouldn’t they be rewarded with premium characters dropping items? 300 clams shouldn’t get you a super short quest line and a useless character afterwards.


  9. Has new car quest actually started? Shows info on the last tab of the comicon popup, but I haven’t been able to start it! Do we need to click on, finish, or buy something?


  10. First time commenting. I wanna say this site is amazing great work by all. Wish I had everyone here on my neighbors list. As for the new update, giant Stewie is badass. The episode theyre paying homage to is still one of my favorites and i love how theyve incorporated it in the game. Im glad most of the new stuff costs clams cuz that mean i can ignore it. I wont spend more than the $5 i spent to get rid of that dumb quest that was SUPPOSED to be time limited. Clam content means i can save my Blam for the important questlines. As for the 500 clam character I think the price is ridiculous. Hes no one special. I didnt think thered be a character id want less than king butt but i was wrong. No reason to have a non Family Guy character cost clams at all. Its just money grubbing. Maybe 50-100 clams is justifiable but 500?!! Ridiculous. And F U to all the players that buy him and encourage the company to do it again in the future.


    1. Me too. I didnt get the Chris char to open up until I force closed the game from my Android. So I still don’t have access to the new car but I can see it in the comic con tab.


    2. I bough the 500 clam Bryan Cranston character. I don’t appreciate you saying F U to us that have bought him. Don’t hate on us bc you can’t. Just some advice to you. ..If you want to post here on this site, you better be respectful.


  11. With the new quest for the car blaze you have to defeat giant mutant stewie five times i have done so 3 times and its only giving me credit for 1 on the quest bar (on the side) but when i click on giant stewie it shows 3 times! So frustrating especially because you only have 2 days to do this and i play this game religiously and have spent a few dollars on it! Help me someone or tinyco!

    And yes i updated the game as well.


  12. TinyCo has officially gone completely off their freaking rocker… This is garbage. Complete B@LLSH!T. Who do they think they are? And who do they think we are?!! It’s absolutely absurd how expensive these things are and how difficult they make everything to get. It’s just to much, to fast. I’ve spent probably close to around 200.00 dollars (maybe more) on this game and honestly I feel like a freaking moron for it. They don’t reward the money you spend by making primeium characters able to unlock things and gain ground in the game. They’re worthless once you get them… They make you money, sure… But to do what with? This is complet crap and if you ask me TinyCo should be completely ashamed of themselves. I love the game but they have destroyed it with their enormous greed and ridiculous expectations. Also… Are we supposed to have the chairs of celebrities we free? Cause I don’t have them. And why oh god why does a single character have have multiple tasks that unlock things while other characters don’t have any!!?? Seriously!!!!!! What??? Why???? I’m so close to deleting this abomination.


  13. In Canada that Blam! with clams deal is for $9.99 worth. Presumably it is the same in the US.

    I can’t justify buying Cranston for 500 clams. It’s just far too expensive. I’d rather buy Consuela, Brain Damaged Horse, and Jake Tucker and still have 30 clams left over.

    It’s way too expensive and if Nathan Fillion is the same I’m going to cry a little.


    1. He is on my Convention Center. I had dialogue with Peter, so maybe if your Peter is busy, that is why you don’t see him. Avoid tapping him until you have pesticide. I tapped him without pesticide and his clock started counting down.


  14. Bryan Cranston is way too expensive. 300 would have been cool, but 500 makes him the most expensive charecter to date. Also he will be worthless after event, consuela at 300 clams will find stuff.


  15. I dunno how they justify the pricing and clams. People must waste so much dollar on this game. I would be happy to pump a little money through it seeing how much I play it but still, 500 clams which is about $20 Aussie dollar for me, cannot justify on one person.


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