Nathan Fillion – King of your castle?

For any Firefly fan this day is a big deal! No the series isn’t coming back (yet) but Mal is now in your Quahog!


He is a whole 250 clams but for a die hard fan girl, I just got to have him! He also earns me some much needed Harpoons!



I will update this will a more comprehensive break down as I level him up!

His first task is to Make Mom’s Horny! Starting off the Queen of the Castle quest line.


Oh have you seen Nathan’s Ice Bucket Challenge? 🙂

Are you going to be splashing out on Nathan? Tell us about your Firefly addiction below. This is a safe space, we don’t judge 😉

4 thoughts on “Nathan Fillion – King of your castle?”

  1. Did I mission something I noticed the new superhero on my quahog event screen but I haven’t seen a mission for it and I saw a few people on Facebook that already had as early as yesterday what’s going on here?


    1. Certain missions you have to complete to move on the next update like Enfant Terrible Pt6.
      If you think you did the mission, reinstall.


  2. I have complat this has been happening ro a lot of peolpe it wont let me play t keeps saying(load error-config empty for id griffenhouse biulding action its pissing me off bc i want to play ots backing me up serious can u help me


  3. Of course I bought Nathan Fillion. I mean how could I not.

    And that first task of his quest “Make Moms horny.” Pffft! I’m a heterosexual male and he’s getting me there. He was the MUST have of the event.

    As for my Firefly addiction sing along with me:

    Take my love, take my land
    Take me where I cannot stand
    I don’t care, I’m still free
    You can’t take the sky from me.

    Take me out to the black
    Tell them I ain’t comin’ back
    Burn the land and boil the sea
    You can’t take the sky from me.

    Leave the men where they lay
    They’ll ne’er see another day
    Lost my soul, lost my dream
    You can’t take the sky from me.

    I feel the black reaching out
    I hear its song without a doubt
    I still hear and I still see
    That you can’t take the sky from me.

    Lost my love, lost my land
    Lost the last place I could stand
    There’s no place I can be
    Since I’ve found Serenity

    And you can’t take the sky from me.


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