Blam! Sponsored Mystery (not a waste of clams/your time) Box!

Hey finally a way to spend all that hard earned Blam! and it’s on prizes/crap you want! And what a bonus, you don’t have to spend a few bucks worth of clams to get it!

Rupert box

The Sexy Rupert Blam! Mystery Box has awesome prizes listed below. And I don’t know about how it went for you but it had a great payoff rate for me.

Rupert box prizes 1

Rupert box prizes 2

Rupert box prizes 3

Rupert box prizes 4

I don’t know about you, but i bought six mystery boxes. I got 2 harpoons, and then all the other individual prizes, the 2 action figures, giant stewie and robo brian! Dang, now just put that Robocop Robot the XL-K or the Clamterprise and let me win those already!

Weekend approaches, more fun to ensue with a super hero Stewie and the 5th and final car.

Tap hard!


10 thoughts on “Blam! Sponsored Mystery (not a waste of clams/your time) Box!”

      1. Actually, you do not need to complete Demon Child Part 5 to unlock the Blam Mystery Box. I am currently on Demon Child Part 3 and I have the Blam Mystery Box in my game.


  1. Does anyone know if you can get more than a total of 5 fusion reactors from the box or once you win both the 2 and 3, they’re done? Thanks

    I’ve gotten 25 clams, roboBrian, couple harpoons, bombs, 12 batteries, red hot case…


      1. Thanks, I got 2 twice from box and accidentally purchased one in the store, while checking it out.


  2. I did great as well. I got Giant Stewie, the trophy cases and RoboBrian all in my first 8 boxes. Got a ton of harpoons and over 40 batteries and 5 reactors for Iron Baby. No clams yet.


  3. It took my last 2500 blams (which I needed a few more to get) to get Giant Stewie, Also got Robo Brian and Red Hot’s trophy case while trying to get Giant Stewie. Now to get the other costumes.


  4. I got Giant Stewie on my second one! Robo Brian was soon to follow, along with some bombs, harpoons, reactors and both trophy cases.


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