Take our Comic-Con survey!

If you want to be apart of our Comic-Con survey and possibly aid in making changes for future events, you need to be quick as the survey only allows 50 responses at the moment! EDIT: I will upgrade my survey account as I thought the response limit would cap it and stop once it reached 50, apparently not – and now there are a few hundred so far and I can’t access the results unless I upgrade! So, now you can complete the survey if you want too šŸ™‚

Take part in our online survey

3 thoughts on “Take our Comic-Con survey!”

  1. Awesome, this is why I love you guys familyguytips. Tinyco may be the best at communicating with it’s players, but it’s far from where it should be and you guys keep helping in outstanding ways. Keep it up!


    1. Thanks Kyasis, we try to be the go-between between players and TinyCo so we can take the ideas from the players and pass to TinyCo and take the information from TinyCo and share with the players šŸ™‚

      RyPod šŸ™‚


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