The event is ending soon!

You may have received the kind in-game reminder that tells you that Comic-Con will leaving your Quahog on Monday, so make sure you get as much as you possible can completed, otherwise you will be saying goodbye to items you really wanted!


I have really enjoyed this event, minus the few hiccups along the way, but overall – Comic-Con has been very engaging! We have had lots of different types of Mutant Stewie’s invade our town, lots of celebrities for free (and a few premium), loads of new Comic-Con related buildings, a whole Superhero collection, a bunch of mystery boxes (mix of free and premium) and weekly content!

If you can’t say that you haven’t been busy, and forgot all about your other games resulting in forfeiting your daily rewards, then what would you suggest that would hold your attention longer?

Although I live in the UK, so I get the Thursday updates rather late at night (almost Friday), I still have to stay awake to see what will happen! I need to start everything as soon as it hits so I can set any tasks needed overnight, and obviously, I need to get all of the information out to you too! Most Thursday’s, I don’t get to bed until 3am! I can’t say that I am going to miss those nights, as I will enjoy the extra sleep now, but I will miss the excitement!

What I enjoyed the most:
– Nathan Fillion saying “cool wHip”
– Patrick Stewart saying “Giggity”
– All the free Clams just for bombing Minion Stewies!
– Weekly updates that promised brand new content
– Blam! Mystery Boxes
– The Android Exclusive Rollocop Costume
– More free Clams for being Awesome during the Assert Error outage!
– Being able to collect enough Blam! to win all the prizes, even though all Android players were in a state of panic during iOS’s exclusive extra week!
– My favourite Superhero costume is The Multiplier because his animations are very cool and entertaining to watch!
– How TinyCo made sure no-one would miss out on the Iron baby costume, as long as you got to the quest, but very thoughtful on their behalf! A lot of players are still yet to drop those epically, incredibly, sought after rare Plutonium’s not to mention unlocking both costumes to unlock Stewie too!

What I didn’t enjoy:
– The Assert Error has to be mentioned, as it happened not long after brand new timed content was released
– How expensive the Robo Mystery Boxes were, but at least we get free Robo statues for our Quahog now, a suggestion to TinyCo – please release a miniature version of the Clamterprise for the Blam! Boxes or a statue for the freemium players!
– Stripper Bonnie would have been on this list but TinyCo sorted that for us all!
– I understand, BUT – I am still a little unsure about having to complete certain quests or unlock certain celebrities before you will receive new content! I realise that TinyCo do not want people to rush through everything and not have anything left to do and then moan about it, but for some freemium players that work and sleep and eat and all the other normal day to day things, maybe the requirements to unlock new content could have been slightly more achievable so everyone could join in, and they could have let the players that weren’t quite there – have at least one of the new items appear in their games so they didn’t feel so left out and behind!

So there are my lists of what were my good and bad points about the Comic-Con event, what are yours? Have you enjoyed every single part of this event or are there a few things that were not to your taste? Let everyone know in the comments below

– Zooeymarie

30 thoughts on “The event is ending soon!”

  1. i almost had George Takei, but for one thing i coudn’t get him..this so unfair… why did they bring the game back to classic… NOT FAIR!!! there should be an option.. now all my hard work went to trash


  2. I had a quick question: I have the Rollocop costume, so I’m not afraid of losing it, but will I lose the ability to complete his quest chain after the event? I am only on the step after you get the costume. Ideally I would be able to finish the entire chain, just to experience it.

    I’m sorry if this question has been asked before; I haven’t been able to find an answer to it. Thank you!


    1. Hi Tony, I believe TinyCo mentioned how Celebrity questlines will continue after the event in the Week 7 FAQS post on here, but I’m not entirely sure at the moment whether all of the quests will continue as I knpw some require unique items or bombing or vanquishing to complete them :/ I will try and find out for you!


      1. That’s weird… I don’t know if I kept missing it but I read through the Week 7 FAQ post and didn’t see anything about whether quest chains continue after the event ends. The questions addressed there concern Stripper Bonnie, the mystery box, minions/nerds spawning from their respective buildings post-event, and the Mutant Stewie costume.

        Also of note, none of Rollocop’s quests involve bombing or vanquishing, so that strengthens my hope that I’ll be able to do the quest post-CC.

        If you do manage to get an answer from them, that would be wonderful. Granted, it doesn’t really matter either way – even if I find out the quest will go away, I’m not spending the clams to blast through the quests just to say I did the chain. But it would just be nice to know before 3pm if that’s possible.

        Thanks a lot! You moderators rock!


      2. Thanks for the kind words Tony, we do our best to make sure everyone’s happy and enjoying the game 🙂 as for your question on the quest lines, I’m pretty certain (about 80% certain) that the quest lines will end at 3pm EDT, HOWEVER…if you’ve started Hostess With The Mostess part one then you’ll still get extra time to unlock Stripper Bonnie and I’m about 50% certain over whether we still get to do the Iron Baby quest lines after the event ends, Zooey will definitely know more but I thought I’d try and give you some kind of answer before 3pm like you asked 🙂

        RyPod 🙂


      3. Thank you for being a great member of our community Tony, we love having you here!

        I have contacted TinyCo so hopefully they will be able to take sometime out of their busy day today to answer your query 🙂 *fingers crossed*… BUT – I do know that we may be receiving something today as we are going to receive part 7 of the Comic-Con comic strip near the end of the event when it gets all wrapped up!


      4. This comment here from Zooey is exactly why I love being a comment moderator with Family Guy Tips 🙂 the love shared from everyone with kind words, the fact that we’re a community and not just an average forum or comment board, the little insider knowledge we can share to give the players something extra to smile about, and the personal touch how practically every comment (nearly) gets a reply from at least one of the team 🙂 we love you guys and we’ll always do our best for you 🙂 and on a personal note, I also love my team as well, it’s like a family at times 🙂

        RyPod 🙂


      5. Aww shucks! Making me blush :p well, this comment from you is exactly why we love you being a comment moderator for FamilyGuyTips! It is great that all FGTQFS players are so friendly here 🙂 and hopefully all feel like they belong when they come here, never afraid to voice how they feel or worried about sharing their opinions – no trolls here 🙂 I’m glad you feel as if we are family, very nice to hear 🙂 it’s great to have you on our team!


      6. Hiya Tony, just found the FAQ and thank you for pointing out that I had missed putting the information in…

        ” Be sure to spend all your Blam and remember: any unlocked celebrity will disappear when the event ends. If a celebrity is COMPLETELY unlocked but you have not finished all their accompanying quests, the quests will stay active after the event.”

        I will let you know once I have received a response from TinyCo regarding the other questlines 🙂


      7. Thank you, RyPod, for your help on this. I have already completed the Iron Baby quest line, and now I have him on harpoon duty along with the rest of the Fabulous 4 (which, at this point, probably needs to change its name to the Fabulous 7 or however many it is now; not as catchy, but points for accuracy, no? Or are they not working together? In which case, what do we call the Swanson team?! They deserve a name, too! And… will they eventually become the nemesis to the Fabulous 4?! The possibilities are endless!!!).

        I’m also up to the step on Stripper Bonnie’s quest where I need to craft her costume (I think it’s Pt 7?) so I’m really happy they extended it. Characters are quite possibly worth a large clam expenditure, but just costumes? I’m not as sure. Even a costume as glorious as Stripper Bonnie would be tough for me to spend more than a few clams on.

        I was actually really curious about that seventh comic book page. Very eager to see how TinyCo handles the end to this monumental event. Thanks for that extra info!

        And thanks for your most recent reply Zooey. That does give me hope that the answer will be what I’d like it to be!

        I’m not even part of your family – well, maybe extended – but I definitely agree with everything you two said. I’ve posted onto the familyguytips site a few times (and visited many more), and I’ve always received a friendly, helpful reply. The whole experience of playing FG:TQFS would be significantly less enjoyable to me if I didn’t have a wonderful place like this to come to when I was in need of some help.

        So, I guess what I’m trying to say is… second-cousin-removed Tony says thanks a ton for everything! 😉


  3. Had an awesome morning today, I completed Stripper Bonnies outfit, I only rushed the first 3 pts of the questline using clams I’d won from the Blam box, and the items all dropped much quicker than I was expecting, he’ll I got all 5 waxes before I got the heels and fishnets. I was completed Rollo Cop Joe outfit, Felicia dropped the final microchip I needed, so in all she dropped 3 of them, Bonnie dropped 1, and Mort dropped 1. So now I’m just waiting for whatever final quest there is to end the event, as well as the final page of the comic.


  4. Canceling a character’s task would be helpful, when we are surprised by an update or you get all the items to unlock something that they were also working towards.

    I’ve loved the event and spent waaayy too much time playing. Right now, I’m sitting on 40,000 Blam, in case they come out with something in the next few days; Otherwise, I’ll blow it all on mystery boxes. I already got most of the prizes, but could always win clams!

    I’m glad they spread out the fun over the weeks, so we always had something to come back to and look forward to. Giggity!


  5. I have earned over 200,000 Blam. The only things I don’t have (about to buy Muntant Stewie costume) are the items from the premium mystery boxes and Bryan Cranston… I just couldn’t bring myself to pay 500 clams for a character that will be basically useless after the event. That being said, if TinyCo would start rewarding us paying players and give those premium characters something to do once in a while, I’d be more willing to buy Cranston. I bought Nathan… Cause he’s Nathan.

    A few general thoughts… These things are so time sensitive, which is fine, but the fact that one can’t play without connection can basically render ones progress in an event like this worthless should that person go on vacation or be somewhere without wifi access. Twice this last month I spent 4 days out at my cottage where there is zero connectivity, so 8 days I lost (and they were Thursday to Sunday) when stuff is released! It would have been nice to at least be able to bomb minions and preform actions to earn Blam. I obviously understand not getting to content but it be nice if we could still make some type of progress while not being able to connect.

    The other improvement TinyCo could make, would be an action cancel button. This would allow you the option to cancel any characters action so they’d be free to do something else. It’s not really fair when say, joe, has nothing to do for weeks so you have him doing long tasks so you can better manage the important things and all of a sudden Joe has to host a party, but you just started him on a useless 12 hour task. I should be able to cancel that task (maybe make it cost 1 clam to cancel). Otherwise it might cost 24 clams to finish his task that I don’t even want… I just want him few to do something that SUPRISE, he’s now need for.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great ideas Travis, I share your pain with putting characters on long quests and then realising we need them to progress lol, I’ve done that too many times haha, but please keep any ideas coming guys, you know TinyCo read these and will do their best to improve any aspects of the game that you guys feel need looking at 🙂

      RyPod 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. To the point of the connectivity problem also, I busted my butt to get all the vehicles. I was just 50 minions away from getting the bike, before I lost connection and was unable to play. I knew I’d be without connection so I bought bombs and went crazy trying to get the 400 or 350 or whatever it was, in just a day and a half. Alas, I ran out of time and wifi/cell connection. I got all the other vehicles. But missed out on the bike therefore I couldn’t complete the entire challenge for the main prize. Which sucks considering I did everything else.


      2. Aww, I’m sorry to hear that Travis 😦 hopefully it won’t dishearten you from carrying on from playing and making your Quahog the best it can be 🙂

        RyPod 🙂


  6. Any word on the chairs for Stan Lee, Ron Perlman & Patrick Stewart? I seem to recall chatter on here about that being taken care of by the end of the event. I think the event has been a sucess and it’s been a blast playing.

    Was glad they sorted the Bonnie mess but still grumblig a bit over Kindle players not getting Joe 😦 We are an Android platform, just specialized, and we got stuck starting a week behind as well. That’s my whine for the day 🙂

    Any chance they may toss out something extra at the last minute or is it safe to blow through the rest of my Blam since we’re basically in the 11th hour?


    1. I can’t say about the stars chairs because I’m just a comment moderator so I don’t know (Zooey might though) but I didn’t know we could play this on Kindle, although to be honest, I have an original Kindle so I probably can’t play it on that anyway, I’m guessing you have the Kindle Fire or something Heather? I can’t see them tossing anything new out as everyone is trying to create Stripper Bonnie but I wouldn’t like to say no just in case lol 🙂

      RyPod 🙂


      1. Hi RyPod! Thanks for your reply 🙂

        Yes, I’m on a Kindle Fire HD. Basically an Android platform just slightly tweaked/specialized for the Kindle. For all intents and purposes the game treats us as Android – updates are released at the same time, we had to wait out the week for the event, etc. – but unfortunately not when it came to RolloCop Joe. My little heart was crushed…lol.

        Ah well, maybe I’ll hold on to the Blam until tomorrow just in case. We’ll see if my impatience gets the better of me 🙂


      2. Haha, aww I’m gutted your little heart was crushed from the lack of Rollocop in your town Heather, all I want to do is give you a hug and tell you it’ll all be ok now haha 😦 I’m on iOS so I never got him either but he did seem like a pretty cool superhero 🙂 although I do like the Multiplier too, the best thing to do is to wait until the last hour or so and then go on a Blam shopping spree because they won’t release anything in the last hour or so I imagine and it finishes at 3pm BST so say after midday on Monday, you can go on a spree and spend your Blam to make up for your crushed little heart haha 🙂

        RyPod 🙂


  7. I am confused by the “celebs are leaving this weekend” does that mean that the Stan Lee I still need a video camera for will be disappearing sometime today? Or first thing after Sunday ends?


    1. Not sure if you’ve gotten an answer to this yet (I suppose you know by now that the characters didn’t disappear on Sunday) but I am pretty sure your chance to unlock Stan Lee (and any others) will be lost if you don’t do it by 3pm Pacific today. I know your post is from Saturday, so hopefully you’ve already gotten him and everything/everyone else you want! Good luck!


  8. It’s been interesting to say the least! I just wish they had all characters not premium. I don’t think they should of been premium in an event. I’m glad we get to keep everything because I’m sure I saw somewhere that said all items made with Blam would disappear once the event ended, so I’m happy about that!

    My goal right now – get the Stripper Bonnie costume and collect as much Blam as I can for the Minion Stewie costume! I have all the Blam buildings, all the characters (bar premium), all the Blam Prizes we got up until George Takei. There are the prizes from the Mystery Boxes I don’t have, but honestly I don’t really care about decorations that don’t give us any money or anything.

    Looking forward to after the Comic-Con Event! There’s gonna be nothing to do so I’m guessing that District 9 will be open fairly soon! Although I’m sure they’ll add a good bunch of tasks after the Comic Con event.

    Overall I’ve loved the Comic-Con Event because it’s made me unlock everything and I’m up-to-date with everything now!


    1. Don’t forget that you will still be able to get Stripper Bonnie after the event so if you really want the Minion Stewie costume, it would be a plan to concentrate on collecting the Blam!

      Are you just saving for Minion Stewie then? Not going to try and win any of the prizes from the Mystery Boxes?

      I’m guessing District 9 will be released shortly too as that happened after Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon event 🙂

      It’s great you have managed to unlock everything now!


      1. Well, my main goal right now is to get enough Blam for Minion Stewie’s costume. Anything else I make will be spent on the mystery boxes for sure!


      2. I’m in exactly the same place Samm 🙂 saving for Minion Stewie then anything else is a bonus 🙂

        RyPod 🙂


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