Welcome to Rypod!

We have a new comment moderator – Rypod! You may have seen him in the comments already! Here is a little bit of more information about Rypod:

Hey guys

I’ve been appointed a comment moderator so thought I’d put a little post about me to help you all get to know me.

My name’s Ryan, from the good old UK, I LOVE the Family Guy game and I’ve seen every episode of Family Guy on TV and DVD many times so I’m a HUGE fan 😀

Hopefully, we’ll all get on like a house on fire and all the comments will make us all smile and have great conversations!!

So, take care all of you Family Guy gamers and I look forward to chatting to you all soon 🙂

Road House!!

Rypod 🙂

18 thoughts on “Welcome to Rypod!”

    1. He isn’t available at the moment, Cleveland was an unlockable character during the Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon event but TinyCo hasn’t released him again yet :/


      1. Yeah, you’d never be alone Sonia, you could email them to me or Zooey and we can help 🙂 we’re a team and we’ll do the best we can to help 🙂

        RyPod 🙂


      2. I don’t have Facebook hun lol, sorry, but I’m more than happy for you to send me any posts you’re thinking about writing and I can help edit them 🙂

        RyPod 🙂


  1. I wish to make some posts too, but my english is pretty bad 😦
    But its really nice to see new people joining this great team )


      1. You know what they say Zooey, do what you love and it won’t feel like work 🙂 it’s my pleasure

        RyPod 🙂


      2. Haha, I’m always up late anyway as I work random hours due to being in retail, sometimes I finish at 10pm, sometimes start at 6am, today I worked for 12hrs lol so it’s nice to come home, relax, play some Family Guy and chat to some great people on the forums 🙂

        RyPod 🙂


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