Quahog Prison Blues

Quest: Quahog Prison Blues

This is the walkthrough for the quest – Quahog Prison Blues. (MEG STARTS EACH PART)

Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 1

Task: Create Jailhouse Meg

You create Jailhouse Meg by finding the following items:

20 Poop Buckets (Common)
– Make Mort Swallow Jewels
– Make Seamus Swab the Poop Deck
– Make Chris Run Around With Bucket on Head

12 Blue Glass (Rare)
– Make Peter Cook Disgusting Vegetables
– Get from The Stop ‘N’ Shop
– Get from Quahog Mini Mart

8 Soap (Rare)
– Make Joe Give Self a Sponge Bath
– Make Connie Get a Luxury Spa Treatment

5 Tattoo Machines (Extra Rare) –
– Make Lois Show Off Tramp Stamp
– Make Dr. Hartman Prepare for an Exam
– Make Meg Practice Bird Calls

Earnings: XP350, Unlocked Quahog Prison

Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 2

Task: Have Meg Go to School (Duration: 10 hours, Earnings: $50, XP30)

Earnings: $500, XP350

Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 3

Task: Have Meg Beat up Connie (Duration: 4 hours, Earnings: $75, XP45, joint task – you need Meg and Connie free)

Earnings: $500, XP350

Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 4

– Have Meg Rob the Pharmacy (Duration: 20 hours, Earnings: $50, XP30)
– Have Mort Snoop on Customers (Duration: 20 hours, Earnings: $135, XP90)

Earnings: $500, XP350

Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 5

Task: Have Meg visit old friends (Duration: 1 hour, Earnings: $50, XP30)

Earnings: $500, XP350

Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 6

Task: Build Watch Towers (Costs: $2500)

Earnings: $500, XP350

Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 7

– Have Meg Steal Lois’s Shirt (Duration: 2 hours, Earnings: $50, XP30)
– Have Meg Take a Poop in her Bucket (Duration: 2 hours, Earnings: $50, XP30)

Earnings: $500, XP350

Let us know which task is your favourite! I think it is great that we now have to finish certain tasks to unlock buildings in her menu, what do you think? I know that some players were saying how they didn’t see the point in leveling up as we get no rewards, so I guess this is TinyCo’s way of rewarding us each time we accomplish something!

19 thoughts on “Quest: Quahog Prison Blues”

  1. I have the same issue as brazilianleo. I completed Quahog Prison Blues 2 and can’t continue. I have forced closed and uninstalled/reinstalled but no help. I have also reported it in game.


  2. Hi zooey, I have a bug ive sent to tiny but wondering if you’d heard of others with this problem. I completed jailhouse megs 1st quest at the school be instead of it going to quest 2 I got the exclamation mark over meu which just takes me back to quest 1. But it doesn’t start the quest again it just goes back to the exclamation mark and megs talk with lois.


    1. Hi brazilianleo, Thanks for your message. So you completed Pt. 2 of Quahog Prison Blues, but you can’t get to Pt. 3 which involves beating Connie up? And the dialogue you keep getting is “How was school, honey?”, “Good. I really cannpt stress enough how nice it is to crap in a stall with a door again.”… What happens after you tap CLAIM REWARD?


      1. Yes thats the one exactly! When I first completed it, it said claim reward and I received the XP and cash, but it looped back to the start of Pt 2 with the same dialogue and Open Quest button appeared. Only this time when I click it, it doesn’t restart the 8-9hr mission, it just closes the dialogue and shows Meg with the exclamation mark on her head again and thats all it will do each time I click into it.


      2. How strange :/ I know there has been issues with getting past Pt. 4 of the Build-a-Blimp questline, where it wont move any further, have you tried force closing the game to see if that helps? If you login using Facebook, Google+ or Username – have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling? If this hasn’t helped, the next thing would be to send and open a support ticket with TinyCo. You can do this from your game using the in-game messaging function


  3. I don’t have the Meg mission. There is no ! mark anywhere. Do I need to finish something for it to open? My game is updated, I can sell items and character finder is there…just no Meg mission. Any advice?


      1. No I haven’t yet. I saw the message where you have to have it completed. I am going through the extensive plutonium battle for Stewie. Lol


  4. Is anyone else not able to see the watch tower? The first one I got disappeared, no trace of it at all, now I waisted my money on another one and all I get is a pit……


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