How to Unlock The Kool Aid Man

Hello again Family Guy Players.

Here is how to unlock the Kool Aid Man in the amount of time needed. Hit more for the strategy.

So we were giving four days and 15 hours of time to gather the items needed to unlock the Kool Aid Man, it is a bit hard, but doable. Let’s break it down.

So the amount of hours you have in this game is 111 hours (with about 2 or 3 of it being gone after this topic. Which is a good amount of time to get him if you are free to check on the game often. Now for the items needed.

These are the items needed to unlock him.

10 cherries (always), which can be gotten by tapping the Kool Aid Man every seven hours he appears.

25 pitchers (rare) which can be gotten by any of these tasks:

– Make Peter Dance to Shipoopi (8 hours)
– Make Jerome Play Ball (1 hour)
– Make Bruce Kitten Pickin’ (20 hours)
– Make Chris Fat Kid Hula Hoop (4 hours)
– Make Lois Buy Groceries (12 hours)

8 ice cubes (always) which can be gotten by these buildings:

– Good Times Pier (8 hours)
– Kool-Aid Beach Volleyball Court (8 hours) (PREMIUM)

By calculating how much time you have to get the cherries,

111 hours – 70 hours for all 10 = 41 free hours

So you can use up 41 hours of free time to do what you want after the Kool Aid Man appears again.

25 pitchers, they are rare, making this a bit of a challenge, but the good news is that you can have five people do tasks to get them, the best one for it is Jerome with his 1 hour task, so as long as you check in quite a bit for Jerome and the other characters, getting all the pitchers shouldn’t be much of a problem (unless you are very unlucky).

And for the ice cubes, if you buy all two buildings, you’ll have plenty of time to get the ice cubes (since they always drop when you collect rent).

To calculate allotted time for the 8 hour rent for the Ice Cube on the Good Times Pier.

111 hours – 64 hours for all 8 = 47 free hours.

47 hours to do whatever you want after the rent for the Good Times Pier is up. In fact, this is quicker than the cherries so if you can get all the cherries, you can get all the ice cubes with just one building (since Good Times Pier is a deco building, building it is instant, so no wasting time for building it.)

So by looking at all this, this is actually not too bad to get the items needed for the Kool Aid Man and I do apologize if I made things seem a bit too impossible in the allotted time to get him in my previous topic for those with not alot of time to check. But if you have a very busy schedule with not much time to check this game, you might want to skip it, if not, GO FOR IT! What do you have to lose?

Good luck guys.


19 thoughts on “How to Unlock The Kool Aid Man”

  1. I have all the ingeredients to unlock the guy, pressed the button to create /unlock him BUT he does not appear in my game! The boombox is gone too..


    1. Same here, had all but 1 pitcher, all characters working for it and still 9 hrs to go so it was looking good. Then when i tap jerome to collect, he drops nothing and all characters that can earn pitchers had apparently lost this ability to earn them(could be normal when one has collected enough). The boombox has disappeared as well, but the quest item remains!!! When i tap “go”, nothing happens… The quest only ends 3pm PDT, where i am living that’s still 9hours away. Im thinking it’s a bug that allows the quest to remain open till 3pm PDT, but ends the possibility to acquire needed goodies/boombox at 3pm MY TIME, so 9 hours early. I’ve been collecting the last remaining pichters from jerome all morning, then just past 3PM my time,collecting isn’t possible anymore…Coincidence?


  2. I can’t buy the building for the ice cubes every time I try to my game crashes….same thing happens after I repaired quahog station 5…. and my game is completely updated so idk


  3. I don’t know about everyone else, but the pier has not been always been giving me cubes. It is an “always” in the boom box but a “chance” when you touch the pier. Which is it? Anyone else having problems with this?


    1. I’m struggling too Orlando, I’ve not got a lot of ice cubes even though as you say, it says “always”

      RyPod 🙂


  4. How do i know how many cherries, etc i have? when i collect something it goes up to the top right of my screen, but then it just disappears. no bar to show how close i am or anything.


      1. Hey Zooey, one of the Kool Ade facts says that the evil monkey made the Kool Ade guy jump through the wall and then smashed him and drank his inners…but wasn’t that evil Stewie when Brian teases Stewie he has gone soft and Stewie creates an evil clone of himself accidentally?


  5. How about the questline? There is a counter on that too. Chris has a 16 hour task which would take away from the pitchers. Does he that have to be done to unlock him as well?


  6. Hmm… does anyone know when exactly this event began? Because I’ve just got another Cherry from the roaming cool aid man, but I only got my first 3 hours ago. It must be every 7 hours from the start of the event rather 7 hours from when you last get a cherry. But even then doesn’t make sense seeming when I was up at 5 the Cool Aid Man wasn’t available yet..


    1. Same question. Happened to me too. Found him at like 4:30 ish than again at like 9? If my math is correct that wasn’t 7 hours.


  7. Watch him get extended on Sunday…

    But yay! I’m gonna get to work straight away! The only person I’ll have on other tasks is Peter (Gotta get them Satellites to unlock Tom!) but everyone else will be on this!


    1. I agree with the extension Samm. Happens so much that we should pretty much expect it every time there’s a time limit on any character/costume.

      Good, It shouldn’t be too bad. I don’t think too many people are going to complain (if they do, then let them).



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