Quest: Endless Summer

This is the walkthrough for the quest – Endless Summer!

Endless Summer Pt. 1

Place “Endless Summer” Banner (Costs: $250)
Have Peter Make Kool-Aid (Duration: 1 minute, Earnings: $5, XP3)
Tap the Endless Summer Boombox (this is like the Jack-O-Lantern, and would have dropped anywhere in your town. If you tap GO, you will be taken to the Boombox, if you can’t see it – try moving some buildings so you can move the Boombox)

Earnings: $100, XP75

Endless Summer Pt. 2

Place the Good Times Pier (Costs: $750, Earnings: $45, XP30 every 8 hours)
Have Chris Lose at a Carnival Game (Duration: 16 hours, Earnings: $115, XP75)
Tap Kool-Aid Man (you need to find him roaming in your town, he will respawn every 7 hours)

Earnings: $100, XP75

Endless Summer Pt. 3

Have Lois Buy Groceries (Duration: 12 hours, Earnings: $100, XP65, Chance of Jars)
Have Peter Make Kool-Aid (Duration: 1 minute, Earnings: $5, XP3)
Have Lois Host Summer Barbecue (Duration: 4 hours, Earnings: $50, XP30)

Earnings: $100, XP75

Endless Summer Pt. 4

Have Chris Fat Kid Hula Hoop (Duration: 4 hours 1 second, Earnings: $50, XP30)
Have Peter Make Kool-Aid (Duration: 1 minute, Earnings: $5, XP3)

Earnings: $100, XP75

Endless Summer Pt. 5

Have Bruce Kitten Pickin (Duration: 20 hours, Earnings: $135, XP90, Chance of Jars)
Place Big Bonfire (Costs: $2000)

Earnings: $100, XP75

That is the end of this quesline – a new questline begins immediately after called Kool-Aide, but you need to have Kool-Aid Man unlocked to progress.

What do you think about Kool-Aid Man? Have you wanted him in the game since you started playing? Do you like the way we need to unlock him? What tasks do you think he will have?

21 thoughts on “Quest: Endless Summer”

  1. I was so close to unlocking him n now I can’t cause I was short 2 pitchers of kool aid. I wouldn’t of even cared enough to complain but I had actually tried. That sucked. 😟


  2. 3.5 hrs left and the glass pitcher has not dropped. I need 4 more and I’ve had Jerome constantly working on it along with all the other characters to make it drop. Does anyone else have that problem?


  3. My boom box disappeared and I only had one ice cube left to collect. I tapped the pier but I didn’t get an ice cube. Kool Aid man is no where to be found. I looked all over town and checked all the menus and inventory. Is there a glitch? I still have a task available that is for chris to apply for a job (completed) and get kool aid man.


  4. I have been trying to finish endless summer part 4. Chris has hula hopped 4 times and the quest has not completed. I have unlocked kool aid man. Am I missin something?


  5. Chris is getting pretty tired of the hula hoop. By the time it registers on the Endless Summer quest he is no longer gonna be a fat kid! He’s on his 4th time around……still no luck!


  6. Quest: Endless Summer seems to be in a loop, it still is asking for Chris to do his fat kid hula hoop action. …done it like 3 times!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr n I’ve notice none the glass pitcher isn’t dropping very much


  7. Anyone having a problem moving on to quest 5? I been trying to move on from quest 4, but Chris hula hoop is stuck. Can’t complete/ doesn’t show complete in the limited time quest. Help!


  8. This quest still has not showed up in my game! So frustrated ive tried everything from updating,uninstalling and reinstalling, and force shutting off then restarting and nothing. Ive even messaged tinyco in my game and no answer! 😦
    Im really dissapointed


      1. Yes I have updated and I did see the Kool-Aid man immediately when the quest first opened and I had clicked on him. I have a lot of uncleared land, could it have dropped somewhere I haven’t cleared yet?


    1. Same here! I do see my boombox at the featured part where u can buy stuff.. its in there for frew.. but when i click it, my game keeps shutting down.. so i cant go further. And i need kool aid men for a task of chris


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