Tasks – What can I make Ghostbuster Peter do?

Fully unlocked guide to Ghostbuster Peter’s tasks…..

Zap Terror Dog (requires Terror Dog)
2 hour task earning 10 spirit vials and 2 fright points
Potential of earning a jar of Terror Dog Bones

Check Ghost database
1 hour task earning 5 spirit vials and 1 fright point

Ghostbuster dance
4 hour task earning 10 spirit vials and 2 fright points

Deal with Strangler Ghost
8 hour task earning 25 spirit vials and 5 fright points

Bust a library ghost
10 hour task earning 30 spirit vials and 6 fright points

Confiscate haunted candy
12 hour task earning 35 spirit vials and 7 fright points

Bust a gluttonous ghost
18 hour task earning 40 spirit vials and 8 fright points




2 thoughts on “Tasks – What can I make Ghostbuster Peter do?”

    1. Have you updated via the app store and have Halloween? Usually this happens when a neighbour hasn’t updated and is using a different version, meaning they have been inactive, it should let you visit them once they have updated too 🙂


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