Whatever You Do…Don’t Fall Asleep.

Hey Family Guy Players.

We got a new teaser picture from TinyCo for our next and last week of Halloween. Click more to figure out who this person is.

(There will be spoilers. Enter if you dare!)


So since we got Jason last week, it should be obvious that we’ll be getting our nightmare killing, Freddy Krueger soon after Jason. For those who don’t know Freddy Krueger, he is a monster who attacks people in their sleep and kill them. And as you know, if you die in your dreams, you die for real. He has been the main antagonist in the series, “A Nightmare on Elm Street” that began on 1984 and has had numerous sequels and a remake of the original in 2010. He is someone you definately don’t want to see in your dreams.

Dat Face

As for his appearance in Family Guy, he has appeared once in the show and mentioned a few times. In the episode, “The Splendid Source” Quagmire goes into the dream world to pay a visit to Freddy and asks him to make a dirty joke to Peter while in his dreams so that when he would crap himself in his dream, his craps himself in real life and when Peter wakes up from it, Peter makes that realization.

Freddy Family Guy

He will, without a doubt, be a premium character just like Jason, so prepare to shell out those clams for him, especially if you saved up those clams you got for completing those fright level quests and costume/character set for those freemium players. He’ll probably have a unique task for earning something for the feature of week 5.

So Family Guy Players, are you excited to see Freddy Krueger in the game? What kind of tasks would you like to see him do? Are you ready to shell our your clams to get Freddy? Let us know. Til then, don’t get spooked on your way out of this topic. *Scary Halloween Laugh*


19 thoughts on “Whatever You Do…Don’t Fall Asleep.”

  1. I’m thinking the “Don’t fall asleep” tagline is referring to a timed task that will be impossible to complete in the time allotted unless you stay up all night to keep your characters working 🙂


    1. I really hope not Insomnia 😦 haha, but it IS a blatant reference to the Nightmare On Elm Street films 🙂



  2. Does anyone know if they are going to do the update early today like they did last week? I know the portal won’t change until pm central time.. but it was nice to get the update out of the way….


  3. I could be completely wrong, but I think we might be able to earn Freddy, I think that as the next portal is the Nightmare Portal, it’ll turn out it was Freddy talking to Peter through the TV, getting him to upgrade the portal to release him. If I’m right then I think that this week will be about trying to defeat Freddy in order to win him. As I said I could be totally wrong, but this is just me having a guess.


  4. Can someone please answer my question? I brewed vampire duck stewie and I did not unlock him but I built his place and he changed to vampire duck stewie is that some weird glitch or did Tinyco do that purposely?


    1. Hey Ken, I’ve read your message a few times and it might be that it’s 5am here but I’m not sure what you’re asking, can you explain further please?



      1. Well I i brewed vampire duck stewie then I went to my inventory and hit create like I did with slutty cat Meg but I am in the process of getting stewie his stuff so I can unlock him and when I went to check on stewie he was in his vampire duck costume.


      2. Ah ok, I’m with you now Ken (also, it’s like 1pm so I’m more awake lol) the characters usually appear in whatever costume you’ve most recently unlocked, for example, if you haven’t unlocked Connie and then you get the Witch Connie outfit, she’ll appear locked until you get the items to unlock her and in the Witch outfit, it’s just one of many little things in the game that TinyCo put in to make it that little bit better



  5. “When you poop in your dreams, you poop for real!”
    So even though most of the items to be released in the cauldron this week don’t have names, if clicked on you can still see the FPs earned when brewed: 360, 495, 945, 270
    Anyone else notice a pattern? I wonder what the significance is…

    (hint: all are multiples of 9)


  6. I’ll purposely fall asleep since with the power of lucid dreaming, Freddy won’t know what hit him. Especially when I come at him with my Master Chief armour, while riding a fire-breathing dragon and wielding a lightsaber and Iron Man Style tank missles.

    As for whether or not I buy him… that depends on how much he costs and how useful he is.


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