Black Friday Winner!

We have plugged your names into our randomiser…. And the winner will be revealed…… After the break 😉

Continue reading Black Friday Winner!

Warning: Klaus Timer!

We are still awaiting confirmation from TinyCo whether the timer will disappear when the American Dad event ends so we have some advice:

Continue reading Warning: Klaus Timer!

My Fat Lois, Francine and Roger Stats!

I have seen lots of comments here talking about the drop rates for certain items that are needed to unlock Fat Lois, Francine and Roger! I thought I would share which items I am finding difficult to collect:
Continue reading My Fat Lois, Francine and Roger Stats!

Saturday Night at the Clam!

Another new weekly post we are trialling….

Saturday Night at the Clam. Join us for a chat and an Ice Cold Pawtucket Ale!

Continue reading Saturday Night at the Clam!

Roger’s Task Icons!

Here are the task icons for Roger – I have put all of the icons where Roger is dressed up below!


Continue reading Roger’s Task Icons!

Klaus – in game images and his dialogue!

For anyone wanting to see that attitude filled fishy…..
Continue reading Klaus – in game images and his dialogue!

The Alien Inside Me: Walkthrough (complete)

It’s awesome that Roger is finally here, not so awesome that his spaceship takes 16 HOURS to build.

Continue reading The Alien Inside Me: Walkthrough (complete)

Roger Run Amok: Walkthrough

Should it be “Roger RUNS amok”?! Anyway, here is the second walkthrough as part of the final week of American Dad.

Continue reading Roger Run Amok: Walkthrough

Character: How Do I Unlock Roger?

Here is the breakdown of what you will need to collect to unlock Roger:

UPDATE: If you have any available characters that will help unlock Roger – place those characters on the tasks below and do not tap them until the spaceship has completed for a chance of dropping items needed!


Continue reading Character: How Do I Unlock Roger?

Do not tap Stan!

If you do not Tap on Stan while you are building Roger’s Spaceship – the challenge will not begin so the timer will not start! Do not tap on him after hiding Roger (apart from the tick when hiding Roger task completes!)

This is to win Klaus! You only get 4 days to unlock Stan, Hayley, Steve, Francine and Roger!


Continue reading Do not tap Stan!