Free Clams from Carl

Update: There is an update in your app store – v.1.4.1 – Carl is now available for Android users!


*Thank you to our followers on Twitter for all these screen shots!*

Carl will look like this in your town, if there are videos to watch and Clams to earn:

When you tap on Carl, this pop up will appear – tap watch videos:

After watching the short video about American Dad, this pop up will appear and you will be rewarded free Clams:
If there are no videos to watch, carl will either appear without a Clam above his head, or will not be outside the Griffin House:


Why can’t I watch the videos from Carl to earn clams?

In order to see Carl and watch the videos to earn clams, you will need to have unlocked District 2 in Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff. There is a maximum amount of videos you can watch in a day though, so if you do not see Carl please try checking back the next day! He will always appear in front of the Griffin house so he’s easy to find! 

There is currently a known bug with the Android video feature that we’re working to fix. Until then, Android players will not have the ability to watch videos at this time. We hope to get this fixed as soon as possible! Thank you for your patience! UPDATE: CARL IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR ANDROID – MAKE SURE YOU UPDATE TO VERSION 1.4.1

Why is Carl telling me there are no more videos?

There is a maximum amount of videos you can watch from Carl in a day though, so if you do not see him please try checking back the next day! He will always appear in front of the Griffin house so he’s easy to find.

23 thoughts on “Free Clams from Carl”

  1. He’s there all the time in my game but I can never watch a video. Every time I click on him he says there are no videos at this time.


  2. Carl can suck my ass. I just got the notice that he was gone. NEVER got a notice he was there, nor ever saw him. Android user.


  3. Haven’t seen him in days, I’m on Android (GalaxyS3). Emailing Tinyco about this and the “Raise the roof” task which doesnt exist. In-game chat is basically pointless now since I only get a response every couple weeks and it’s usually about an issue that no longer exists


    1. If you do get a reply, please forward your response again! 🙂 I have just added FAQS about Carl in the new post which states that TinyCo have identified an issue with Samsung devices and that they are working on a fix… Hopefully it will be fixed soon as American Dad will be over soon! :/


    1. I’ve not seen him for a while RT, but I imagine he’ll pop up every now and again whenever someone advertises something through the game

      Rypod (ryan)


  4. It worked two times for me, then every time I tried to watch the videos it worked until end, but then freezed. What’s up with that?


  5. About time, mine locked up: at first and on Android, but working ok now, got 4 free clams last 2 tries so thanks pretty happy with that, although shame we wont be able to keep him after.


      1. I had carl….I watched a couple vids but now he doesn’t show up…plus…I unlocked Steve n now I don’t have the smith’s on my face space….I got a alert (red dot) on my face space but I can’t check Steve post (because he isn’t there)…do you know of this glitch n does anybody else having this problem?


      2. Everybody’s got this Johnny, the Smith’s aren’t on Facespace yet and Carl only shows up when there’s a video to watch

        RyPod (Ryan)


  6. Ryan my Wi-Fi is very fast and does great but Carl’s always locks up my game after I watch a video. It really sucks cause I lose so many clams 😦


    1. That does suck Ladybug :/ the only thing I’d suggest is to view Carl’s video as the last thing before you force close the game so you won’t lose anything else 😦 if it’s not giving you clams then I’d say email and tell them too to see if they can help or at least make a fix for it

      Rypod (Ryan)


      1. TinyCo has yet to answer a single one of my emails. I get the automated response to put my game ID number even tho it’s already included in the initial email sent. I send it again in a reply to their email and nothing. I’ve still been waiting for a response to my missing clams from during ComicCon. =/


      2. Have you tried messaging them using the in-game messaging function as I have heard a lot of players get a much quicker response and you wont get the same response about the Player ID as they will already have it as you are messaging from it, if this doesn’t help – you could forward the email to us and we could forward it to TinyCo for you


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