Happy Thanksgiving – What are you thankful for?

It is a few days until Thanksgiving, but as it is a day for family, turkey and football – we thought we would do this post early so you can say think about what/who you are thankful for before the big day!


If you want to share what you are thankful for, or just let us know what your plans are – feel free to post here!

I’m not American so I wont be having a big Thanksgiving get together or meal, but as we have quite a few American readers, we wanted to show our support (and secretly wish we were having some Turkey – well, Tofurkey for me!).

We are thankful for YOU, our family, and our health! What are you thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving!


5 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving – What are you thankful for?”

  1. Tofurkey for the win!

    I don’t celebrate thanksgiving either since I live in Germany. I have a semantic problem with claiming to be thankful for something, because to who am I thankful? God, Life itself or nature? I am glad however that I have friends, that I am part of two main groups ( sociopolitical things ) and that I don’t struggle with economic problems, major health issues etc.

    Happy thanksgiving to y’all,

    Jesus himself.


    1. Fellow veggie?

      That’s very funny… I’m not sure who Jesus would be thankful too? Mary? The donkey who carried her? The inn keeper that had space in his barn?

      I didn’t know Jesus was German! Learn something new every day! 😉


      1. Yes, I am a veggie too. Vegan for that matter. And actually I am a Greek living in Germany now ( see: reincarnation ) 😉


  2. I would like to thank the New England Patriot for making football so enjoyable in the last 14 yrs and for SPANKING the bears, BRONCOS, colts and recently the lions and the soon to be packers.


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