Poll Results and Poll: Intimate Apparel Peter

We have the results from the Bitch Stewie poll and new poll for the Intimate Apparel Peter costume!

First, here are the results for the Bitch Stewie poll:



As we can see above, 35% of the voters managed to obtain Bitch Stewie completely free!

19% of the voters had help unlocking Bitch Stewie as they bought an extra Clone Machine and/or Bitch Brian.

According to these results, the most problematic material players needed to collect to unlock Bitch Stewie, was the Bubble-Bath Beards as 15% of the voters lost out on Bitch Stewie because they needed more Bubble-Bath Beards. I’m not surprised that these were the hardest to collect, especially for freemium players, as the only way to collect Bubble-Bath Beards free was to wait every 2 hours to potentially drop a Bubble-Bath Beard from tapping Bitch Stewie and Brian squatters.

Nearly 9% of the voters couldn’t unlock Bitch Stewie due to work/sleep. Real life commitments got in the way of obtaining Bitch Stewie, which only shows a small portion of players that voted (43 players) compared to the amount of people that play – so I am guessing that this number is a LOT bigger, maybe TinyCo should hold an in-game poll after each event so they can collect some data themselves to help them improve timed events.

30 voters admitted to spending Clams on Bubble-Bath Beards to help unlock Bitch Stewie, due to the small amount of options that could be used to collect the Bubble-Bath Beards.

Only 1 person out of the 493 voters bought Bitch Stewie outright. This must have cost quite a handful of Clams!

1% of the players that voted were affected by their game crashing so they were unable to unlock Bitch Stewie!

What do you think about the results?

Here is this weeks poll:


Join in and discuss FG:TQFS with fellow Quahoggers!