Brace Yourselves! Last Minute Christmas Shoppers are Coming!

Hey Family Guy Players!

Tinyco has recently posted a recent article about the teaser for the upcoming week of the Christmas Event. Click more to find out.

As the title mentions, a new type of character are coming in to invade Quahog with…Last minute shopping. Here is the post regarding more about this:

Last Minute Christmas Shoppers are almost ready to invade your Quahog. Can you guess how you’ll get rid of them? Prepare yourself for the next tree upgrade coming soon!

(Picture coming soon)

So it seems like we are getting more characters to get rid of for more Christmas goodies. They also asked us how we would get rid of them. It will probably be smiliar to those Minion Stewies/Trick or Treat Kids, use a certain item and take them out with it. What is the item precisely? Maybe it will be gifts you can throw and will attract those shoppers who are close to the present. Regardless, I just hope TinyCo doesn’t make it annoying to get these items and for the next weekly quest needed for them if that is how we get rid of them like the last event.

So Players, are you excited for next week of the Christmas Event? What do you think is required to defeat these Last Minute Christmas Shoppers? Who else do you expect to appear this upcoming week? Let us know. Til then, i’m out!


19 thoughts on “Brace Yourselves! Last Minute Christmas Shoppers are Coming!”

  1. I’m gonna guess that Jingle Joe comes this week and Angel Bruce next week. To defeat the procrastinators I expect snowballs/gifts/credit cards to be thrown at that or to quote another show “shut up and take my money”.


  2. BTW, do we need Jesus for Santa (Because I couldn’t play the last 4 Days, and I’m PRETTY far behind for Jesus), Because I’ll be fine if I at least get Santa. Or do we need Jesus (and his item) to unlock Santa?


  3. Mort and Lois both should have attacks as powerful as Mcane’s. It must be impossible for freemium players to defeat the Yeti. I can barely do it with all 3 players that can attack him! Jeez!!! I’m only at 42 snowflakes so I have a ways to get to 100 for Jesus. The 4 hr wait time between being able to start attacking Again is also way to long. I should be an hour max. What’s the point of waiting 4 hours. Like right now, I want to go to bed, but I’m waiting so I can set attacks overnight.


    1. I have to agree. I have John Lois and Mort all attacking the Yeti round the clock. Seriously, I have alarms set at 4 hour intervals to remind me to start the next wave. (Sleep is overrated… Yaaaaawwwwwn!) Even with this regimented attack I’m just barely over half way there. (64 Snowflakes & more than enough cookies)

      I figure I should be able to unlock Jesus before the event ends but only just. I would be interested in hearing from any totally Freemium players to see how close they are to unlocking Jesus.

      In a few hours a whole new challenge will likely hit us and potentially take resources away from the Yeti attack. If that’s the case a lot of us, even $premium$ players, may find ourselves losing interest.

      TinyCo please make the game challenging and engaging not impossible and frustrating.


      1. I’m fully freemium and only have mort and Lois fighting the yeti but I haven’t even started on Jesus yet nor have I done the challenge yet.
        I didn’t start fighting the yeti until I got the mort costume then defeated cowboy yeti but forgot to activate the challenge (doh!) now I’m trying to defeat childish yeti still using just mort and Lois but I will have to use clams to rush the last hour and rely on one of the hits being 2hp. I should complete the challenge today or tomorrow then I will start focusing on gettin Jesus.

        I just hope both Lois and mort are not needed for anything new this week (not even collecting for the new costume) so they can carry on collecting snowflakes while other characters make themselves useful. That is why we have over 40 characters at our disposal isn’t it?


    2. Totally agree, I have the same amount and that’s with buying Bruce Willis. I don’t think u can do it without him, killing the higher lvl yeti.


    3. I did manage, as freemium to get the full yeti, but couldn’t continue it, lost out on last attack overnight. I did speed them up before going to bed, so I guess it wasn’t really ” freemium. it is dang near impossible, not really looking forward to new upgrade, will probably be even more difficult. luckily, it’s just a game 🙂


    4. It is nearly impossible to get snowflakes for freemium players. I only have 3 snowflakes after buying just 3 gifts. I can barely beat the cowboy yeti with Lois and Mort, no way I can beat the following yetis.


    5. It’s possible, hard, but possible to beat childish yeti lol I have to have my timer set to 4 hours and just use one clam on each lois and mort at the end of the last 5 minutes to beat yeti. And wake up once during the night while sleeping…. It takes dedication lol -_-


    6. I have gotten the John character from the limo, and am still working on Jingle Joe. I find that John works out greatly, giving 2-3 damage on each attack. Look into it, it really helps


  4. It’ll be the grinch Barbra Pewtershmidt stealing the tots presents, or a bunch of puppy brians running around and the snowman has to catch them all and rollo Joe and jesus nust save them before they turn into minion pups and grow horns for the grinch, either Barbara or Joe or both are definitely involved.


  5. We gonna need some kind of bomb (please make short earning tasks though) and We should be expecting jingle joe. However It will be a long wait for me as I still need to do the yeti challenge and I’m only on part 3 of that quest line


  6. TinyCo really needs to think of more original ideas. They keep using the same system for the past few events. Its getting really repetitive. I bet they will have a Big yeti that we will have to gather 3 different resources to attack.


  7. Well we should be getting Jingle Joe since he already appears in the shop locked. I really hope these guys are more like the minions than the ToTs, those were some annoying lil bastards. And lets not forget the epic fail on their part making it take waaaaaaaaay too long to earn stink bombs initially.


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