Week 3 DELAY!

Unfortunately the update for tonight had been delayed!

Update: in-game notification!


This sucks for everyone, especially those who have finished all last week’s content!

The update will go live on Friday (19th).

Who is particularly surprised though?! None of the updates for Christmas have gone to plan!

There is currently no estimate on time for release, however as soon as we know so will you!

That’s it for us tonight then, happy Thursday everyone!

51 thoughts on “Week 3 DELAY!”

  1. Apparently they were waiting on approval from Apple but didn’t get it in time, that’s what they have just told me. How they can still be having these issues with them is beyond me


      1. I’ve been moaning at them all day to try and get some answers. I’m pretty sure they just gave me a 100 clams to shut me up


  2. ~ Rant Begins.

    Another ‘Freemium Guy: The $windle of Currency’ problem? No way??? (sarcasm)

    This game WAS fun for a little while, but now it sucks. The ONLY reason that I still play (Is clicking on static buildings playing?) is for the handful of friends that asked me to help them finish all the Christmas In Quahog crap.

    I will definitely delete this PITA/POS game after this ‘event’ though.

    The shoehorned landscape, the stacked quests, the unending IAP requirements, the worthless premium content, and the horrible timer changes during ‘events’ really kills this game for anyone that values their time.

    This ‘game’ is absolutely NOT worth spending time on anymore. I’m not sure if it ever was. There is always some glitch, debacle, or delay surrounding this game AND TinyCo.

    These current updates/upgrades should have been sorted months ago; BEFORE they even started advertising this “event.” I honestly believe that instead of using their swindled loot to improve the game for it users, TinyCo is in “unethical cash grab mode” 24/7/365.

    And I did file a credit card dispute regarding their clam swindling fiasco a few weeks ago. Why? Because TinyCo said they they incorrectly tagged my account as a cheater, but they NEVER returned the clams to my account, nor did they refund my credit card.

    “It’s all about finding the heaviest users and extracting the most amount of cash from them. That’s how you get addicts to spend $200 for a game that isn’t even worth 40 cents.”

    Family Guy is an okay TV show, that sometimes sucks. The Quest For Stuff game just sucks. TinyCo/GreedyCo sucks epic balls.

    ~Rant Ends.


  3. Well Friday almost up in the UK and still no sign of the update. Have to agree I bit the bullitt and got Jon as without him dont think it would be possible to beat the Yeti level three, keeping him on level three is racking up the blue snowflake stockings, Little tip I have used, if you have all three attacking the yeti at the end only click on the ones you need to defeat him, for example had them all attacking and needed two hits, Lois gave me the two I needed so left Jon and Mort unticked, for the four hours, when the Yeti awoke again hit Jon and Mort and got four hits streight away, without waiting another four hours. Hope this helps and Happy Christmas to you all here 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How is that possible? After u kill the yeti with Lois u still need to wait 4 hrs for the yeti to wake up and u can’t start mort or Bruce while the yeti is out. I just don’t see how u can get the extra hit the minute the yeti wakes up.


  4. Pos update don’t care about update due to pos money grabbiness of event. Just worked for 24 hrs on childish yeti to be beat by ten minutes.spent clams too. I am thinking I am done with this pos game and show.


  5. Does anyone know If the release on Friday going to be at the usual time, or just random on Friday? Sorry, just trying to plan my character actions… Any help on this will be great…


  6. It’s not at all weird for a video game of any type to have an update to a game to get delayed significantly. Lili and I have seen big updates for some of our more substantial computer games get delayed by months. Now since this is, relatively speaking, a minor update to a small phone app game, one day is not that big a deal.

    Plus heck folks it’s Christmas time in real life too and I’m betting those folks at TinyCo want to go home a little early to see their families too.
    Let’s call this a few extra hours of Yeti fighting for us all.

    Happy Hanukkah to everyone from Lili and Stef.


  7. Honestly i dont know how im going to get jesus without spending clams 😦 it shouldnt be like this jesus is my favorite character 😦


  8. I play everyday, have since the beginning… Not sure if that’s sad or dedication? Anyway, part of me agrees with people saying TinyCo should slow their roll a bit. I think they should spread it out more, maybe just a little more… It if they’re going to constantly bombard us with content then make some of it more accessible. The yeti is very hard to beat even with Mcane! It normally takes 4 rounds to bring down the childish yeti, which is 16 hours, toss in 7 hours of sleep (a guess) that means you have an hour, give or take for overlap. That’s ridiculous.


  9. It really upsets me that I don’t even have Brian yet so I won’t have the opportunity to get the adorable puppy. Still haven’t unlocked Mort.. Fingers crossed I get enough clams by finally finishing up the American Dad people. Then I can buy Mort and maybe defeat the next level of the Viking? Wah why is this so hard 😥


    1. It is pretty hard Lydia but i’m sure all the missed characters will be back in the future so everyone who missed them can get them 🙂



  10. I guess I am one of the lucky ones without horrible horrible glitches and whatnots. the game just crashes here and there but im able to deal with that.
    I am kind of glad its not updating tonight cause I was fearing how hard Yeti would be with john lois and mort to kill on the 4th and fifth hat. I rather repeat tree 3 over and over with them than not be able to beat yeti 4 at all. Seems we can see the payout for Yeti 4 is 500 cookies and 25 snowflakes now. But who knows how many HPs it will have it might be really hard with the 3 characters without Jesus.
    I cant even imagine without John, from what i see on facebook comments it seems nearly impossible if you just had the 2 characters to bring down the 2nd yeti (or maybe the commenters are the usual overdramatic, overstating how difficult something is) I really hope they dont have us spammin yeti attacks for the rest of the event, and also extend the event at least 2 days from both delays.


    1. I only have Mort and Lois working on the Yeti and the second one isn’t too bad, but definitely possible too fail on. I get an extra attack in though by only clearing one of the characters at a time.

      So when if I clear Lois, and she brings the hp down to 1 or 2 the I immediately set her to fight again before seeing how Mort did. Then I’d tap Mort and if he beats the Yeti then Lois is ready already on task and will be ready to take some hp off as soon as the new Yeti comes out of hibernation.

      The 10hp Yeti isn’t too bad this way as if every time they only take out 1hp then you can still win in the 24 hours. The 18hp one is a lot harder as if you don’t get quite a few 2hp attacks you’re looking at 36 hours…
      I’ve yet to beat Yeti 3 with the 2 characters, best I did was get to 5hp.


  11. Most accurate description would be, “The Jolly Tree Update isn’t going to happen when we said it would but likely will by the time you were all expecting it to actually go live.”


  12. As weird as it is to say, they need to quit putting out new content so frequently, because they clearly can’t handle it. It’s not just a matter of being late, it’s the challenges that are broken and practically impossible, the items that cost way too much, the characters that take a week to unlock so you can use them for tasks that disappear in a week, etc.

    Since the whole game is about waiting anyway, I’d rather wait an extra week to get something new as long as it’s actually fun and not broken.


    1. I whole-heartedly agree. Once this event is over they need to take a step back and work on the coding base. Maybe try to streamline the RAM usage which seems to be the majority of crashing problems and do some other general repairs on the foundational UI.


    2. first mistake the game is not about waiting, its about paying not to wait.

      second, in theory, you’re right that they should make less content. they can’t handle it and don’t have the capacity to give players the land needed to display all of it anyway. the reason that wont happen is content equals money and TinyCrap has proven they’re in it for the now. i’d bet this game dies long before the Simpsons game.


    3. Finally I found someone who agrees with me. I’ve been saying for a long time that I’d rather wait longer for a better event, but more people seem to get excited when tinyco put out a teaser right after an event ends.


    1. Me too!!! I always forget that this game has those damn timed tasks, and being a Freemium player, I lose my mind trying to beat the clock. So, this time, I made sure not to set my characters with new tasks so I can get started right away, after checking this site for what to expect!! And then bam, delayed. Oh well!!


  13. So really last week excuses about the storm and electricity outage was just luck on their part cuz they were gonna delay it anyway but then that happens so it work great for them. If it weren’t for the fact that this game is about family guy I woulda stop playing this a while back with all this lame excuses and over price stuff.


  14. Hopefully they are fixing the crashing and game freezing that has been going on since the Yeti has arrived. Seems that the blizzard snow effect has been screwing with my game. I can’t pan across my town while the blizzard snows are falling without the game locking up for 20-30 seconds each time.


  15. Sigh…I guess it would have been to good for it to come in time. I blame the silly tree timer for getting our hopes up!! oh wait…is that…squeeee..puppy Brian!!! So cute! I can not even remember what I was saying of why I was so angry!! Ohhh puppy Brian!


  16. Again? And with no reasons too. I do appreciate that they let us know the update won’t come today before it hit, but still disappointed. But for those who haven’t unlocked Mort’s costume yet, maybe this is for the good. I just hope they expand the event for these small delays for a few days.



  17. Does anyone know if we need Jesus for Santa, because I couldn’t play for throughout most of this Weeks Update, so i’m PRETTY far behind in the Jesus chase (have like 5 or something). Anyhow, do we need him (and his gift) for Santa, or just the Gift?


    1. I fell like due to the cost of Jesus, that he is effectively the Mr Weed of this event. Shown to us early on and the ultimate goal of what we are saving up for. If you get him early he should help you get other things but I doubt he’ll be mandatory to unlock other things.


  18. Who is shocked??


    Getting kind of tired of it. I’m guessing they’ve delayed it because of the complaints about the difficulty of defeating the Yeti and collecting Snowflakes. But the constant delays, push backs, fixes, etc. they have to do does get tiresome.


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