Answers to Question Session from TinyCo

Thank you for asking your questions on our Question Session post. Here are the answers to your burning questions, directly from TinyCo:

“1. Are we receiving a tree upgrade on Christmas day?

Maaaybe. No exact ETA at this time, but there is another tree upgrade coming your way soon.

2. How come the new 1.5.5 version is incompatible with Samsung devices? Is there a fix?

The 1.5.5 update for these devices was having problems with submission. We’ve pushed the 1.5.5 update for the rest of Android devices so they can play while we work to get this particular version of the 1.5.5 update resolved.

3. How come the game crashes every time this player presses the unlock for Carter, after all items are collected?

Please have them contact us via in-game support. If you believe that this is a widespread issue please let us know, but otherwise have them contact us for individual issues.

4. Why does the game keep force-closing after a few taps?

This sounds like a RAM issue. Force-closing the game and restarting should help. We have memory improvements in 1.5.5 and 1.6.0 so if the issue persists after these updates please have them contact us.

5. Do we need Jesus unlocked to get the wish list item for Jesus or not? Players are worried about not getting Santa

You will not need Jesus. Like all of the other wishlist items, they will be available from gift boxes.

6. Will the decos in the inventory be categorised into event tabs? (E.g. Comic-Con, Halloween, Christmas)

We don’t currently have plans for that feature but we can definitely take it into consideration!

7. Will Ollie be able to give more gifts to players without Facebook?

Ollie will give a gift every time you upgrade your tree, regardless of whether you are connected to Facebook or not. 

8. What will happen with the backlogged Secret Santa gifts at the end of the event?

I’ll try to get more answers about this.

9. A player wants to know whether we can ‘run to the mall to return some unwanted gifts’ after Christmas with the excess Secret Santa gifts that cannot gift to anyone but Ollie due to not having Facebook?

I’ll try to get more answers about this.

10. Are we getting extra time added due to the delays we have faced for each tree upgrade?

We don’t currently have plans to extend the event due to time constraints and other planned content.

11. Players would like to know what happened to their demented elf after tapping it in their inventory? It has disappeared and isn’t in their towns?

The Demented Elf, Meg’s Pink Luxury Car, and Peter’s Tank are all moving decos which will wander around on roads. After you tap on them from the inventory they will automatically roam your town.”

5 thoughts on “Answers to Question Session from TinyCo”

  1. Im glad to see they have not just summarily rejected the idea of an ‘Excess Secret Santa Gift Return’ at the end of the event.

    “I’ll try to get more answers about this.” is better than, “We don’t currently have plans…” so there is some hope for those gifts yet.



  2. LOL the answer to q10 is a typical tiny co response.
    How can they have time constraints? Surely they set and control their own deadlines, and it’s their fault they have ‘constraints’ in the first place from all their delayed updates. Not a single one in this even has been on time.
    Plus, I’m sure we’d ALL rather wait a bit before they release new content if it gives us more time to do this one properly, so why can’t they? It would give them more time to perfect the new content too, which will no doubt be full of bugs and glitches anyway.
    Their excuses department is almost as stupid as their technical support.


    1. Behave Austin, we moderate comments because we choose to, to help people out but you have to understand that we also have real jobs, families and lives too so be patient bud 🙂



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