FamilyGuyTips Question Session

Do you have questions that you really want the answers too?

We have been busy the last few days, Rypod has had a promotion at his real life job (congratulations), Hollypopsicle has been ill and I have been visiting family… But we are offering you some of our golden time to ask any question you want…

Any questions that we can’t answer and require TinyCo’s input, we will let you know and collate the comments to send to TinyCo to try and get some answers before Christmas takes over!

We will be answering EVERY comment on this post, as sometimes, a few questions get overlooked when updates occur or when we are all busy with real life!

We are awaiting your questions! 🙂

40 thoughts on “FamilyGuyTips Question Session”

  1. Since this Star Trek thing will only last such a short period of time wouldn’t it be ALOT better on folks if unlocking certain characters was not so hard? Deanna has one thing that 35 items s required. Time is of the essence here.


  2. I wondering if you know what are the maximum levels of characters. The “old” characters (apart from Peter) all had maximum level of 15. Currently a lot of my other characters exceeded this level and I was wondering where is it going to stop. My comic con characters are on level 20 at the moment? What is the maximum for each?


  3. 4 Things:

    1: When Do I Get the Email?
    2: I Have Got Everything For Carter But When I Press the Unlock Symbol The Entire Game Crashes! Why is this?
    3: Do You Know What The Next Event Might Be? I Am Hoping For a Multiverse Event? (I’ve Unlocked all Christmas Stuff So Far)
    4: When Is Santa Unlocked?

    Sorry For all The Questions


    1. ZooeyMarie is in the process of / has already sent the email 🙂

      Carter isn’t important in this event so it might be an idea to contact about that and hopefully they will sort it for you. Have your account details in the email – makes it far quicker, better still, in game message them.

      I think District 10 is next in line, so they might leave us without an event for a few weeks. There is usually still weekly content released though. That might take us up until valentines day?! Just speculation there though!

      You get Santa when you have everything on the wishlist. There is supposedly an update christmas day so i guess the remaining wish list items will be available them!

      Hope that helped!


  4. Suggestion: Categorize the decos… comic con, Halloween, Christmas…etc So I don’t have to scroll thru them to find my Elves.
    Concern: My roads are still broken, my game frequently crashes, and I haven’t gotten any response from the “Help conversation”


      1. All my problems started after the last update, so yes I got it, thanks. I have seen too many people say that their game didn’t reload after uninstall. So I haven’t considered trying that. I also don’t know the proper way to do it without risk of loss.


      2. Did you create an account with google plus, email or facebook? Whichever you chose, if you did uninstall it then reinstall, the game would start at the start again but when you do a few missions that only take a minute each then a box will appear at the bottom (a square with four squares in it) then click that and input the info you made the account with and boom, you’re back in your updated Quahog again



      3. how do i verify my account info before I do that? I use an ipod touch 4. i have the game linked to my facebook so my friends can be neighbors, but i don’t remember how i initiated the game on the ipod.


      4. re-installed & logged in. roads are fixed, but still crashes when i zoom out or try to go to facespace. crashes when i try to get xmas stuff from my decos. I’m looking for my elves! …..and of course crashed when i clicked on the furbal.. grrr! Seems I still need more assistance.


      5. Have you a fair amount of apps? Try clearing your cache and / or freeing up a bit of memory. It is very heavy on the memory so if you have lots open in the background (particularly YouTube) it causes the game to lag.


      6. ios 6.1.6, all software is up to date according to itunes. 13.75gb ipod touch4 with 9.64gb free space. i close out safari & messenger when i am done using them. no youtube app here. i only have 2 other apps. over the weekend it worked fine. monday after the new update it doesn’t. i have only 12/40 things for lil brian, and 17 furbals i can’t shoot now. i am very appreciative of your help! but i still need to bomb shoppers!


      7. Hey Holly, don’t know if i’ll get a chance before Xmas as i’m working all day tomorrow, but Merry Xmas hun 🙂 it’s been a pleasure knowing you and modding with you 🙂



      8. Haha, come on Hol, even the cast take the mick out of her voice, i’d even go so far to say that I prefer Joe’s impression of Bonnie haha 😀


  5. First thanks ZooeyMarie and all of you for all the work you put in here to help make this game even more fun. Second to Rypod a big congrats! Third and most of all we wish you well Hollypopsicle. Take care and I hope the new year finds you feeling better.

    On to the question. I know its been asked but I figure the more we pester TinyCo the more we may get a little concession from them. I’m sitting here with 23 presents and no one to give them to other than Ollie. I have been dropping one a day to him just because I usually get a little something right back. Sometimes just a few CC and HC. Other times a couple of clams and once 15 clams! So that’s great but I still have a huge stockpile. Maybe TinyCo could give us a little something back for them at the end of the Christmas event?

    I’m thinking an after Christmas run to the mall to return some unwanted gifts? 🙂


    1. Thank you very much for the well wishing – hopefully i will be back to full health quickly!

      Thats a brilliant idea! I send out gifts but still have a lingering pile due to so many people not needing them! Hopefully we can trade them in towards the final parts of the event.

      We will try and bug tinyco for some info on what the have planned but they are being very cloak and dagger!

      Have a brilliant holiday season both of you!


  6. How many steps in john McLain quest? I’m trying to finish all quests before Friday’s new yeti. I’m on 8. Is it almost over??


    1. Do you mean the Quahog Millionaires Club? Its a million coins not clams lol 🙂 if you’ve got a million clams then you’re doing something right 😛



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