Competitions are now CLOSED

Wow, that was a pretty awesome response!

Thank you very much to everyone who took part, I hope you all had as much fun entering as we did making it!

To further Ryan’s (Rypod) post, we are sorry we haven’t been around as much as we normally are, the holidays are a busy time as I am sure you all know!

Again it was awesome reading everyone’s responses! If you entered and think you might have won, please do check the winners and answers posts. If you have won you can either use the contact form or you can email direct to:

Please include your paypal email and your country to make your payment quicker!

Anyone who has emailed so far should have already received their winnings!

We hope everyone has happy, safe new year celebrations and wish you all the best for 2015!

If you are having problems in your games and you haven’t received a reply on the website – please also feel free to use the above email. It will usually be far quicker for us to respond to an email at the moment!

Thanks again!

6 thoughts on “Competitions are now CLOSED”

  1. Just wondering, for the task jesus does, turn water into clams, will we still have the opportunity to obtain clams after the Christmas event has passed?


  2. Will there be anything else from the Christmas event? Looks like I have won everything and finished all the quests… i am als left with more than 100k cookies and few hundreds stockings. Even completed tom tucker’s quest. What else now?


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