POLL: Phineas & Barnaby Mini-Update!

As the Phineas & Barnaby event is coming to an end now, we thought we would find out how many of YOU were able to unlock 1 or both of them!


I was very lucky, I had 2 x Performance Enhancers left to collect! When I tapped on Lois and Bonnie yesterday for the first time, neither dropped anything! To say I was stressed was an understatement, I only had 16 hours left on my timer for Barnaby!


When I revisited my Quahog 6 hours later, tapped on Lois — 1 PERFORMANCE ENHANCER!!! I rushed to the Drunken Clam to tap Bonnie — ANOTHER PERFORMANCE ENHANCER!!! I actually squealed in joy… Over steroids!!


If Lois and Bonnie hadn’t dropped those last 2 x Performance Enhancers, it would have been game over for me as it was at 10:30pm… Only had 10 hours left on the timer, so Lois and Bonnie wouldn’t have finished their tasks until 4:30am, and I wouldn’t have had time in the morning to tap and check as the school run is a busy time!

So, we would like to know whether you have been lucky like me, or still need items for the twins:

10 thoughts on “POLL: Phineas & Barnaby Mini-Update!”

  1. A similar thing happened to me. On my two games I had 6 hours 34 mins and six hours 40 mins to complete the last character and they both needed two steroids. Luckily Lois and Bonnie both dropped steroids in both games leaving just a few minutes left. Phew!


  2. Got them both, and Steroids were the most difficult to get, but not too difficult. still finished with two days to go on Barnaby’s timer. I averaged about a 50% drop rate from Bonnie and Lois. It seemed that every time I got no drops from either, the next time I would get both of them drop. It almost seemed like a cycle of…Lois drops 1…Bonnie drops 1…no drops at all…both drop…start over. At first I thought eggs were going to be the problem, as I didn’t get any the first day, but they started dropping fast after I unlocked Phineas. Of course it helps that I had Rupert dropping steaks and/or eggs almost every time.


      1. I didn’t set timers, but I was mindful of the time. For instance I’d look at the clock and see that, for example, I set them going at noon, so I should check in at 6. I wasn’t always perfect, but usually did pretty close, and since I had Rupert going for me right from the start, the enhancers were the only thing I really had to worry about.


  3. I actually have a question on this event. Above my Barnaby there is a timer wich says I still have 1 day and 1 hour left for unlocking him, but doesn’t the whole event end, before that timer ends? Do I really have 1 day 1 hour left ? I’m playing from the Netherlands btw..


    1. When will Phineas and Barnaby be leaving Quahog?
      You will have until Tuesday, January 27th to start the 5-day timer to unlock Phineas and Barnaby. You do not need to have them completely unlocked by the 27th.

      So, yes – you have 1 day and 1 hour left still 🙂 you could have only just started the timers now, and you would then have 5 days left to unlock as long as you start the timers before they disappear today! 🙂


      1. Okay that’s great news! Thank you very much.
        I only need 1 more Performance Enhancer and then I will have both Phineas and Barnaby. I’m only playing Freemium so I’m quite stoked!


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