Changes to PDA couples!

UPDATED: Added Screenshots!

Just to be clear about the new animation you’ll be seeing: 

You’ll now see a little animation above their head of which heart they’ll drop. 

Fighting couples = a cloud of broken purple hearts will be animating above their heads 
Enamored couples = a cloud of red full hearts will be animation above their heads

Hope this helps!


You need to follow them as the heart animation doesn’t appear until they stop!


Also, just to update this post (already updated FAQS and Guide post a few hours ago):

– Increased Spawn Count to 8 of each
– Increased Countdown Time to 3 minutes (from two minutes)
– Decreased Spawn timer from 4 hours to 3 hours








29 thoughts on “Changes to PDA couples!”

  1. So it looks like they intended to make the following changes.
    1) updated the animation to include the red and purple hearts (check)
    2) respond time down from every 4 hours to every 3 (check)
    3) 2 minute window has been increased to 3 minute window according to the timer in the bottom window (NOT, mine disappear when the count down gets to 1 minute)


  2. So once you have the first 2 (Quag & Peter) and the new update happens 2/12, is there any point to click on the couples. I was for a bit but the meter doesn’t move and I can’t see any evidence of stockpiling for the next one?


  3. I’m glad they’ve made some changes to it. It still seems like I have to follow the couples around for a long time before they stop though. But generally I really like this idea, at least it’s a bit different to what they’ve done in the past.

    Seems like a steep increase to go from collecting 15 hearts for Quagmire to 50 hearts for Peter. I hope the next ones won’t be such big increases!


    1. I guess it’s good that they’re changing it up a bit but I don’t like the idea of a timer. And if you think 15 to 50 was a big step be prepared because, based on previous events, I think it will be a bigger increase.


  4. I am so glad they changed how they did the couples.. I cut most of my streets out, and it made it so much easier after i got rid of all the moving decos and put them in my inventory.. Only 4 more hearts to go, and i will have Peter’s prize….


  5. This heart tapping is horrible. Even with the supposed fixes to help this is without a doubt the worst mini game for an update ever. It’s like they realized valentines was coming up two days ago and threw together this aweful update. This game has had a good run but I hope this is a minor hiccup and not the beginning of the end.


  6. Still one of the worst mechanisms I’ve ever seen.
    And I’ve told them so on the in game help
    I’d actually prefer bombing to this.
    So I just won’t bother with it


  7. Now they’ve increased the time to 3 minutes I’ve managed to clear all the couples most of the time. Once you clear all the couples of one type a message appears and the remaining couples disappear. The enamoured couples also do a little jump which is another way to tell the enamoured couples from the angry couples. Collecting hearts after getting the reward for Peter still contributes to the heart meter so I’m planning to continue collecting hearts.

    Crunching the numbers it appears to be possible to collect up to 64 hearts in 24 hours (8*8). Realistically most people are going to miss two or three opportunities due to sleep, not playing the game exactly every few hours etc. A more realistic number might be 35-40 hearts per day, this is based on collecting 7-8 hearts 5 times per day.


  8. It would be nice if the girls clothes were reversed (purple top for broken hearts, red top for regular hearts). The way it is now is crap and the fact that tapping the wrong one sets you back from the limited prizes just makes it more frustrating.


  9. this is real bad…the hot tub does nothing. i wouldn’t mind it as much if the last event had been good but two bad ones in a row


  10. This seemed like a good idea at first but now I’ve realised it makes little difference.
    The time increase is good, fair play for that, but the animation is practically no help.
    First we still have to wait for them to stop moving (this still takes ages btw) and the hearts are only visible when zoomed in, which means you can’t see the other couples. Also if angry couples are angry, why do they kiss for like 90% of the time and only fight for like 2 seconds? The angry couples shouldn’t even be hugging but the couples still behave almost identically!!!!
    Thanks for the time increase but completely different animations are required to differentiate between the couples, not a small addition of hearts.


  11. The spawn times seem to be 7am, 10am, 1pm etc (in eastern time zone) I’m a little annoyed that so far it looks like we can only get half the prizes and wonder if tapping after we get the Peter prize will stockpile hearts for the next set (but we won’t know which to aim for and so once I’m through this week’s quest and Peter I might just ignore spawning unless they start dropping coins,clams or Valentine’s instead)


  12. Does anyone know if the hate objects have actions tied to them? I want the hot tub, but if it doesn’t do anything, I’d rather go for the chocolate cafe building. Also… I thought I heard that you can reset the meter and get both love and hate prizes…. did I hear wrong?


    1. The meter resets but moves on to the next character… Then you have a higher amount of hearts to collect! Only get to pick one prize! I am going for the Chocolatier building upbut just because I think it will drop Homemade Valentine’s 🙂


      1. The chocolatier drops HV every 12 hours (& when you reach it, your meter keeps going but since I don’t know what I’d want for next week I’m just going to tap the 15 from the questline and then ignore them (they still drop hearts, but no coins or anything useful and I don’t want to build up a surplus of love and then find out that in week 2 hate is better (it looks like love is better based on what we’ve seen week 1 plus HotMeg but it wouldn’t be TinyCo if things were predictable….hmm I wonder if I in game message they’d tell me the items for week 2 (to see if stockpiling is worthwhile


  13. These changes are better. But this event is really grinding my gears!!

    I keep loosing my couples behind buildings when they stop.

    At this rate I’ll never get what I want.


  14. Some more just spawned in my town and to be clear, nothing appears above their heads while moving. Only when they stop do we see red or purple hearts. So we still have to friggen stalk these lil $&*#% and wait for them to stop, then wait for them to perform their animation. Even when they help they don’t really help…


    1. Dang, just saw you updated the post with basically the same info. I refreshed just before I started writing. Guess you’re faster than me 😉


  15. I’m glad they’ve added the animation but I had figured out the difference between the two. Although my first batch left me only 1 point up since I was thinking: “Ah they are kissing. They are the happy couples” tapping on them and being dismayed to get a broken heart. Eventually I figured out that them standing still isn’t good enough to see what they are and that I had to wait for a different animation.

    Now I’ve got Quagmire to Love and am 11 on the path to Peter’s.

    I’m really unhappy with TinyCo’s choice here though since I know that no matter how well I do during this event I am already guaranteed to miss out on half the items. Not cool.


    1. If you tapped on all of them, your Affection Meter would ever move… You choose which prize you want and work to earn the hearts and win the prize you want… For the Clammy Secrets, you need 15 red hearts, for Crimes of Passion Archery Set, you need 15 purple hearts!


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