Valentine’s Character: What can you make Arnold Schwarzenegger do?

If you do choose to spend the 250 clams you will be able to earn more love or hate hearts. But who cares about those?! Its Arnie!





Are you buying the Kindergarten Cop? Will you be laying out clams for Turbo Man? Or do you just like the idea of having a political figure in your town?

Notice how I didn’t even mention Termina…..damn it.

22 thoughts on “Valentine’s Character: What can you make Arnold Schwarzenegger do?”

  1. How is he voiced?
    Did they use quotes from movies or did arnold actually voice the character himself like the comic con celebrities did?


    1. It’s him, or a very talented actor and he’s hilarious….he says old and new stuff..

      “Junior is not a sequel to twins”
      “I eat green berets for breakfast and it makes my poop look weird.”
      “Who is your daddy and what does he do? No really I think I know him.”
      “Look behind you! Hahah you looked didnt you?”


  2. Arnold drops 3 of the broken hearts or 3 hearts on the 4 hour tasks. The second level for the affection meter is 50 hearts for Peter.


      1. Ok, cool.. I thought i was missing him.. Kept force closing the game, and even checking for updates…Thanks…


  3. I tend to buy one character from each event, typically the week 2 character, but TinyCo deciding to remove Beautiful Peter drops from Arnold makes me less likely to buy Arnold (and the fact that I can’t unlock him until 3-4 days from now means I’ll hope for another character later)


    1. They have encorporated a clam offer which pops up just before they offer you arnold which only lasts 3 days and gives you 2000 homemade valentines. I guess they are using this as a ploy to get people to purchase him, instead of using him towards a freemium character!


      1. I actually have 380 clams so don’t really need to buy any more (if I were to buy Arnold it would be because he has Valentine earning tasks, except I can’t buy him…whatever, week 2 there will probably be another character with some new clam + bonus deal (& if Arnold is the only premium character I’d be shocked)


    1. Thanks Hollypopsicle, I almost spent 250 clams on a character that only has 2 animations and none of the terminator stuff in it. That would be a waste… And he doesn’t even look like Arnold.


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